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Settlement status (Interior/exterior)

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After giving my settlement to someone to test. (The settlement is an interior one). They told me they only received the same menu selection as homeplate, despite the fact im using the same base workbench as sanctuary.

How do i flag the workbench as exterior, or to allow all building options/menu's open?

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What kind of settlement objects can be built with a workbench is determined by


1) the keywords that are attached to the workbench (like "WorkshopWorkbenchTypeInteriorOnly", "WorkshopWorkbenchTypeExterior", "WorkshopWorkbenchTypeSettlement", see WorkshopWorkbench [CONT:000C1AEB]),


2) the keyword assigned to the element "Workbench Keyword" of the settlement object's Constructible Object.

Edited by LarannKiar
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