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Hearthfire suggestions - Houses, spouses, nannies, and kiddies.


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Since you can buy houses all over Skyrim, and elsewhere with the other DLCs - why is it that you can only have family members living in one of them at a time?
I don't know enough about modding to understand what can or cannot be done, but I'd like to see this.
Adopt more than 2 kids - mods already available for this.
Send children to live in other houses.

Designate beds for each child - stop sleeping in the servant's room!
Hire a nanny to watch your children in each house.

Secondary ideas:
More child interaction - you/child or child/child. They don't seem to do much with each other.
Ponies for your children. Rideable?
Hire a cook, maid, horsegroom for your fancy manor.

Can we do anything about nasty things spawning right beside player-built houses and killing the chickens every couple days?


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