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Questions and advice about enb/weather combos


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I was wondering what the easiest way to switch between enb's were.

1. Is there an effective enb manager a lot of people use, or do you just delete all of the enb-related items for the SSE folder and redownload the binaries and a new preset every time?

2. If I wanted to switch from Rudy's ENB to another non-Rudy, would I have to change back all of those ini settings back to what they were before or just leave them the same way?

3. If I have Embers XD and Inferno installed, do I need to enable complex fire in my enb ini or just the particle lighting setting?

4. When I had Rudy's for Obsidian weathers, the nights and dungeons were too bright (with Lux and Lux Via). What setting on your enb do you use to manipulate dungeon interiors and night time exteriors to make them darker? I tried the Darker Dungeons mod, but that hardly put a dent in it.

5. Would ELFX Shadows be a better lighting mod to see differences in darkness?

6. Any recommendations for enb/weather combo's? I like the idea of having really bright days (fantasy-like) and really dark nights and caves.

Thanks in advance for your help/expertise!

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Hi, I hope I can help.

1. Is there an effective enb manager a lot of people use, or do you just delete all of the enb-related items for the SSE folder and redownload the binaries and a new preset every time?

There are a couple of ENB managers I have seen on the Nexus (use search bar 'enb manager'). I haven't used any. It is easy enough to manually move the files. Generally, you only have to change the enbseries folder, enblocal.ini and enbseries.ini, per preset, and not redownload the binaries every time. The ENB DLL is the same across all presets (some presets may be designed under earlier versions, though, and not take advantage of the newest features).

2. If I wanted to switch from Rudy's ENB to another non-Rudy, would I have to change back all of those ini settings back to what they were before or just leave them the same way?

If you set custom settings, you will have to write them into the preset you are switching to. For example, if you set a custom hotkey to open the overlay in enblocal.ini, you will have to replace the enblocal.ini with the preset's then write in your own adjustments.

3. If I have Embers XD and Inferno installed, do I need to enable complex fire in my enb ini or just the particle lighting setting?

I have the same. I don't think so, but I'm not sure what complex fire does.


4. When I had Rudy's for Obsidian weathers, the nights and dungeons were too bright (with Lux and Lux Via). What setting on your enb do you use to manipulate dungeon interiors and night time exteriors to make them darker? I tried the Darker Dungeons mod, but that hardly put a dent in it.

Have you set the brightness in Skyrim's settings to be lower?


5. Would ELFX Shadows be a better lighting mod to see differences in darkness?

Lux is pretty dark on my end. Check your brightness setting.


6. Any recommendations for enb/weather combo's? I like the idea of having really bright days (fantasy-like) and really dark nights and caves.

Two I can recommend: Patrician (more stylised fantasy, somewhat bronze look generally, dark and grimy dungeons) and Rudy with NAT (recently released, the weather is wonderful, some more mist in the day but can be clear, nights are dark but still visible).

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