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Help creating script for werewolf skin replacers

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Updating skin is instant with a NiOverride script call, either NiNodeUpdate or perhaps UpdateWeight, been a while but yes it can be instant, just an extra step. AR BR.... Armor Rating and Block Rating would be my assumption

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The engine has the flaw that retains in-game what's in memory, so in order to change a texture's or a mesh's file path it needs to unloaded it from memory, and re-loaded.


AR = shortcut for 'A Race'

BR = shortcut for 'B Race'

we declare and store the actor's race so that the script/game can use it later.

Race AR = iActor.GetRace() - the actor's primary race

Race BR = iActor.GetRace() - the actor's race once it transforms

( BR == AR )

If ( BRace equals ARace )

;; remove the new skin armor because we are back to normal

Edited by maxarturo
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It does not require SKSE, it uses simple default Papyrus, and it does not matter which version of the game you have.

It's a simple script and it should compile just fine, post your warning message.

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Yeah. Make AR global.


Race Property WerebeastRace Auto
Armor property WerebeastSkin auto
Armor property WerebeastSkinNew auto
Actor iActor
Race  OriginalRace
EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
         iActor = akTarget
         OriginalRace = iActor.GetRace()
EVENT OnRaceSwitchComplete()
    Race NewRace = iActor.GetRace()
    If ( NewRace == WerebeastRace )
    ElseIf ( NewRace == OriginalRace )
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Yeah... it was a stupid omission on my part, that I didn't even bother to look at the script again.

That's what you get for trying to assist with your phone while sitting and relaxing on a beach....

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