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Turn radio station on/off with terminal

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Hi! I am trying to make custom radio station for fallout 4. I followed this guide and it's worked fine. Now I want to make it so that the radio can be turned off (like a beacon for recruiting settlers so that the signal disappears) through the terminal. I'm new to fallout 4 modding so I have no idea how to do this. Thanks!

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Super easy to do. Make sure your radio station begins broadcasting when the quest it's on starts.

Then you can easily add some options to your terminal that are conditioned on the quest being running(Turn Off) or not running(Turn On).

When one of those is picked run a code snippet to start or stop the quest.

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Super easy to do. Make sure your radio station begins broadcasting when the quest it's on starts.

Then you can easily add some options to your terminal that are conditioned on the quest being running(Turn Off) or not running(Turn On).

When one of those is picked run a code snippet to start or stop the quest.

Thanks! That worked perfectly

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