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Can mods interfere with ability to save game?


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Lately I've been noticing that I am unable to save in certain scenarios.. Like if I reload a game, or after I die, sometimes it will be fine, sometimes my ability to quicksave or manually save the game is broken. I've disabled the feature to autosave after rest, fast travel, and after being in the pipboy menu for x amount of time. Usually when this happens, I have to quit to the desktop and launch the game again.. quitting to the main menu doesn't fix it. So I was wondering if it's a thing for mods to affect the ability to save, and if it is, how would I go about finding the issue?


Edit: Before, it used to only occur after loading or dying and now it seems to occur much more frequently. If i get into a firefight, i can't save. if I loot a body, i can't save. if I feed on a corpse, I can't save. I launched the game before posting this edit.. took ten steps and swatted 4 bloatflies.. lost my ability to save. I have no idea what the cause is and it's really frustrating.

Edited by offroadkitty
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