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Updating resource files while staying in game?


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Probably a stretch on my part even thinking it, but is there any way I can update resources (textures, ini settings, bodyslide generated mesh files, etc) while remaining in-game?

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If you rebuild a mesh in Bodyslide or otherwise edit it while game is running, you just need to unequip/reequip the item. Same goes for HDT-SMP xml files. Textures - if you edit the mesh file to use a different texture, same thing.

But if you edit a texture, it will not get updated unless this texture is unloaded from the cache. And it will not get unloaded unless it starts running out of memory space. Case in point:


Here, Ivy is initially sporting a top using yellow-striped texture and built to TNB preset.
With game running, I edit the top in outfit studio to use a different (purple striped) texture and rebuild both top and pants to CT77 preset. In game, I have Ivy re-equip her stuff, and it all applies.
Then I edit the top texture itself to add a bit extra decoration. Unequip/reequip does not work. I even had her unequip the top, went to a different cell, then reequipped - still showing old texture.
I got an RTX3080Ti 12GB, so plenty of texture cache space. I had to quit and restart the game for it to show the changed texture.

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Ok, so it's already allowed with some things but not others. Still, glad it's allowed for some things (that I didn't know auto-updated). It gets tedious closing the game just for a minor tweak like fine tuning a Bodyslide preset.

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