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Throwable spear?


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Hye there and first of all ty for reading this :biggrin:

as many of you know there already a spear mod out namely this one



my request is to makes this one throwable and reusable with a fair ammount of damage but limited range (to blance it out & you gotta admit a spear in the nuts would hurt a lot...)


maybe it could be thrown in the same way that the projectile of the "Miss launcher" does (meaning the same kind of flight except for the landing)


:thanks: to anyone who's up for this (unfortunally i cannot help, being sucky at modding altho i tried a lot of bethesda's crappy tutorials and the endless crashes geck gets on my pc =/)

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Throwable spear requires throwing animations. Animations are complex and rather hard to make them look 'real'. Apart from that fact, you'd either need to replace a gun animation entirely (which are often used by several weapons), or accept the fact that visually, the spear going off (projectile) and the throwing animation will NOT be synchronized and more often than not you'll see either the projectile going off early (and the spear still in hand before magically popping off existence) or the spear in the player's hand would dissapear, and 0.5 - 2 seconds later the spear projectile would pop into existence and go off.
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