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Super hero concept mod... Make use of potential...


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Inspired by the various armor / costume mods... Ideas is to have some mods based on favorite super heroes / villains with that 'fallout look'. I enjoyed the idea of the Antagonizer / Machinist story arc but, they're way too weak, their gear is useless, and either the one you help (or at east don't kill) leaves. :S




- Antagonizer or Machinist companion mods with IMPROVED STATS.


- Extra housing option: 'Lair' made of smaller abandoned Vault complete with robot 'Alfred' Butler designed to look like a hero / villain sanctuary, terminal to input hero / villain name (rename option so you can choose an alter ego and aren't born as 'batman' for example).


- Equipable powers: Use them like 'invisible weapons with stat boosts' to keep the 'optional restraining' thing when in public... useful for characters who don't need a uniform to assume their role (example: rogue - paralysis touch, power punch with high knock back, damage resistence...)


- FO3 HERO / VILLAIN GEAR: Costume pieces that don't crash Tranquility Lane, (Liberty Prime Suit, Protectron SuitMire Lurker King mask, Death claw mask, Pip Boy mask, etc..)


- CLASSIC HERO / VILLAIN GEAR: IDEAS - With a more rugged feel and much less powerful (result of exposure maybe?) if necessary:


Wolverine: Claws with health regen, Muramasa Katana, Weapon X head piece..


X-23: Claws with health regen...


Batman: Black cowl with gray trench coat and utility belt..


Batwoman / Batgirl: similar to above


Robin / Nightwing: black / blue domino mask, red / black coat, belt..


Catwoman: Cat hood, tight leather suit, goggles...


Green Lantern (or any other color): Domino mask, colored chinese stealth suit, 'ring' weapon = increase damage + knock back plasma blast


Cyclops: Visor with infrared vision + laser projectile with knock back...


Emma Frost: White 'fun' outfit, 'equipable' mind blast (knock back, paralyze)


Deadpool: Modified chinese stealth suit from DLC to match outfit...


Joker: REMOVABLE face paint and suit, Harley Quinn companion, high damage knife, magnum with a bang flag, gas grenade...


**Grey Goblin: Mire Lurker King face combined with light gray hood and chinese stealth suit, pumpkin skinned grenades with more knock back & concussion,

goblin serum stimulant (like drug)... (**Green seems too 'bright' for a wasteland)


**Superman : 'equipable' lasers from eye level, black trench coat with red armband with Super S logo (stats altered for unarmed strength & damage resistance, etc), faded blue

pants, 'equipable (yet invisible) powerfist.. (**de-powered from fallout, take off gear and your 'pretending to be a civillian')


Supergirl: Same idea as above...


Hulk: 'Equipable Rage as weapon' = color altered Fawkes 'costume' that changes damage resist, unarmed combat, knock back, and toggles jump height, equipping triggers

mommentary drug withdrawl animation...


Iron Man: Re-colored Liberty Prime costume, 'Repulsor Beam' weapon = Liberty Prime blast with less damage & HIGH knock back, increase carrying capacity, adds missile and

fatman launcher with full ammo to inventory, adds re-colored power fist...


Flash: Faded red chinese stealth suit, mask, increase to run speed and damage resistence...


Cable: Military looking gear with metallic arm, prompt to redo appearance options (for that aged look)...


Domino: 'equipable makeup' with increased accuracy and agility boost...

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It know that was a wall of txt to read but, I wanted to get the major point across. I'm not suggesting a total conversion project, I'm just pointing out that there are ton of options in this area. When I finished the Antagonizer / Machinist quest line it kinda hit me that with a proper 'lair' and some gear, you could be a wasteland hero / villain yourself. It would make running all over the place questing have a logical purpose.


THE LAIR - Option ideas:


-Adding the standard player housing contents to a room in the Antagonizer or Machist's lair when you complete the quest, and having one or the other as companion.


-Adding the standard player housing contents to a room in the subway system next to the 'vampire lair' with a quick entrance / exit door. Makes sense since the subway

connects all over the map. If you kill them, their lair is an extension of yours. If not, it makes sense to be 'neighbors'. Could even make them optional companions.


-Adding a small 'storage vault' in the wasteland with a few rooms with player housing items


-Adding a 'hidden underground basement' you find to the existing player housing in Megaton that's clean and themed (Think Night Owl from Watchmen)


-Add a quest to let THE PLAYER take over Tenny Penny Tower as a 'Head Quarters' for all the various companions ('hero' or 'villain' team) with the option to rename it


After that you just need a variety of gear compiled into one container for the player to choose from and a terminal that re-opens the character creator (for changing appearance & name). That way you can change your hero/villain theme, change to your 'civillian' identity, or even wear a recon 'disguise' with an alias depending on how 'in character' you want to play. I personally believe the robot butler (which should be in any lair) should be named Alfred at all times :) ...


Personally, I wouldn't go a 'super powers' type character as their a stretch EVEN for FO3. Superman is an alien that looks like a human, flies, can't be visibly hurt, shoots eye beams, and always wears a bright cape / tights. Not very practical for FO3. I just made the above list to suggest you COULD do it. 'Gear, skill, and modified' origins are where its at in my opinion.


Batman type heroes are a perfect fit. So are villains like those in Batman comics. Iron man-esque characters (modified power suits: i.e a LIBERTY PRIME WEARABLE SUIT) are a good fit too. Vigilantes like Punisher and Rorschach just need something to wear. Wolverine / Deadpool like characters have a healing factor and DUE TO THAT, augmented physiology. That's not a huge stretch.

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Nice to see some well-thought-of ideas.

Improvements on AntAgonizer/Machinist quest rewards are very much do-able. Doesn't take much work in the GECK.

Adding a storage vault and an underground hidden basement aren't that difficult either. Can be done.


Most of the work would go in making quests related to the overtaking of Tenpenny Towers.


Work should start from creating the perk rewards, then the creation of new interiors. After those are finished, the Tenpenny Towers segment so be worked on. I think it's wise to think of new content creation (such as the addition of Rorschach, Wolverine, etc) after work on Tenpenny is done.

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The addition of extra gear would definitely be the 'polish' on a project like this. I think its a very logical extension though. Especially if the point of the game is to bring a certain sort of order to the wasteland.


I mean, if you were in the wasteland, if all the restrictions in societies were lifted, if you found weaponry, and had to take action to survive, to protect, or to 'take', wouldn't you adopt a disguise? Wouldn't you want to protect your identity so you were either more intimidating or, so you and those closest to you were unable to be held personally responsible?


An interesting idea from you post is the potential for additional companions based on existing characters.


For instance, finding Wolverine in the wastes or finding Deadpool working for Tenny Penny. Maybe the joker is randomly terrorizing settlements. Maybe you need to either help him or, help a wasteland version of Batman beat down his gang and stop him. Perhaps Rorschach is going to break into a Vault and needs to be assisted or stopped. Maybe a wasteland version of a Goblin (Green, Gray, Menace, Hob, etc) is terrorizing people. You have to find figure out who the goblin is, confront them, and either assist them (getting access to 'goblin gear') or stop them. If you stop them, there's the option to take up the mantle of a wasteland goblin.


Any of those scenarios could be a seperate mod. The possibilities are pretty endless.


In terms of Tenny Penny Tower specifically, I made a post about an idea for a stand alone mod that could accent this super hero / villain idea set or work independently.

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