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I have an idea and some basic written info about this mod. It would be extensive and quite beyond my own n00bish abilities with the GECK.


Firstly, I want this to be an added quest that would re-open the Springvale Elementary School (SES). I want to create multiple new npc's that would work as teachers for Science, Math, English, and History. Of course I would have two options for each teacher, one 'good' and one 'evil' to stick with the karma system.


My idea would begin with meeting our future school principal, the yet-to-be-named daughter of Abraham Washington in Rivet City. She would discuss her wishes to teach, and ask the player if he/she could help her to re-open the SES.


The first part of the quest, if accepted, would be to go to the school and kill off the raiders and ants (coding to prevent respawn?). Secondly would be to acquire cleaning supplies (say 10 abraxo cleaner and 5 boxes of detergent?) and tools (1 each hammer, wrench, plunger) to clean up the place (new clean model of SES with classrooms completed). Next, one would have to hire the teachers from various cities throughout the wasteland (from a list given to the player by Abe's Daughter). This would complete the overall quest. The player would then be given the opportunity to bring in pencils and other school supplies to Abe's Daughter in exchange for caps.


I really want this to be done right. I want to make npc kids that attend the school. Also I think it would make sense to section off part of the school as living quarters for the teachers and students. A stocked kitchen should also be present. I think the easiest way to do this would to make it a collaboration of multiple modders' work (each to be given credit in the end of course).


If anyone has any additional ideas or wants to help with the work, please speak up. I can use all the help and ideas I can get. Thanks in advance.

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Half decent human settlements in fallout are few and with tight security for a reason. A building in the middle of nowhere with no fortifications, whose inhabitants are in no way fit to fight is ridiculous, trusting in BoS or any other for that matter to provide protection would have little sense, the lack of manpower and unwillingness to use the available one for social or rebuilding purposes is a common theme in fallout.

For it to have any sense, it would need to be done inside a large settlement (rivet city or megaton).



Such thing would also mean kids. No, little lamplight doesn't count. Kids would mean parents, and that would mean a need to add a rather lot of dialogue to many npcs. It would also mean beds for said kids and a lot of toying with AI packages to make them behave properly. Note that there's an incredible lack of space in the cities for such things, you could probably add half a dozen at best before making things look incredibly cramped. With few kids, the need for so many teachers is rather low.

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Ok, I can understand that. I knew it would be difficult to do. I also didn't think about the lack of security. I was going to circumvent the entire "parent problem" by making it more like a boarding school where the children simply live there.


I still want to do this. But perhaps I was a bit hasty and didn't fully think out the process. I would suggest perhaps reopening all of springvale, but that would make things even more complicated and time consuming. This is why I'm taking suggestions from the community.


Thanx for the input Blank.

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i think you could make the quest start a lil different to get rid of the security problem...

just do all the talk to abraham washington's daughter thing but instead of going to springvale, go to the citadel?

talk to paladin bael and stuff and maybe his consiuos comes up and he goes to elder lyons to propose this proposal to found a school in the citadel (altho that would take a lot of dialogue adjustements within the BoS..

and than as an extra quest you could add pamflets/terminals/books to springvale wich you can collect and escort to the citadel for the foundation of the school (maybe also some in the national archives and maybe some other places?)

as for the childeren not interrupting the brotherhood of steel trying to survive or just be in the way or useless,, teach them things like healing wounds and stuff and maybe some physical exercises to fit in the brotherhood of steel eventually, also clean up the damn place a lil bit, some parts of the citadel are just a public toilet imo? :mellow: ... (there's already a kid within the brotherhood of steel so why not a coupe more? same with the scourge, they went out and rescued the non mutated kids to use them for later soldiers, so why not do it again, after all there numbers are pretty low, at least that's what they always say)

and at last you could ad maybe a tiny quest where a trip to the arlington library (not far from the citadel) went wrong and some kids are caught by the muties => save them?


anywayz like the idea like a lot :thumbsup:

(and no, can't help know nothing about modding and geck won't work anymore on my pc for some reason :confused: )

support this 500% :biggrin:

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Why not just re-build Springvale? i know Broken steel used some stiff just leave that part alone, it only 1 house, but the other house are free to fix up, and Megaton might have workers to help out as well, then the school gets re-build and the Map makers well say New Springvale, hell if you eidt it right you can have the people for Vault 101 move in as well, This mod has alot of ideas and i could go on and on, but i think you all get my point
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I really appreciate all of the responses and support. You've all come up with some really great ideas. I'm starting some work with the GECK and trying to learn as much as I can before I start. By all means please keep the suggestions flowing. Thank you all! :thanks:
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Sounds good i like the idea and all the ideas mentioned and its deff possible. But this is a lot of work and as you said your just starting with the Geck... This wouldnt be something i would want to jump right into just starting with the Geck. Springvale is kind of a boring place and it would be cool to redo the whole place it has lots of potential. This would be one hell of a project for one man so if you are serious about doing it i might be interested in helping.
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