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Weapon ​De-Grading



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Weapon De-Grading

I got this idea a few days ago that would make Skyrim so much more immersive, as well as adding a new reason for smithing. My idea is, after a certain amount of hits, your weapons quality will go down. For example, if you use your iron sword, which has been improved to superior quality, to hit your enemies, it will eventually go back down to fine, and, if you use it even more, it will go down to it's original stats, until you improve it once more. However, the endurance of a iron sword will be worse than that of a ebony sword, so while it may take around 30 hits for an iron sword to lose quality, it will take around 80 or 90 for the ebony sword to go down (these won't be the real figures). And, I know this will be extremely complicated, but if, for example, hitting cloth would take one endurance point, light armor two and heavy armor three or four, just for immersion.

While this would be really good by it's self, there wouldn't be any dis-advantages to this mod. That would be where the two levels of 'improvements' that make your items worse would come in. So, if you haven't improved your sword it would eventually go down to 'poor' and later 'broken', with poor decreasing the stats a little bit, and broken making the weapon do close to no damage. This would make every one need to know a bit about smithing, or at least have the Helpful Blacksmith mod. It would also make the Whetstones mod very handy :wink:


Now, I know this would be very hard to do, maybe even impossible, but I just had to put it out there in case any modders would pick it up.


Thanks for reading :D


And, would the author be able to make an MCM menu to go along with it, to change the amounts of hits before de-grading, and maybe even a SkyRe compatibility patch if needed?

Edited by ethernalhero
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I could definitely dig this. But I'd like daedric artifacts, and similiar artifact weapons, to not be degraded at all. They are, after all, blessed by the daedric lords themselves, making them indestructible shouldn't be hard to expect of them. It would go well with another mod I'm using, which gives unlimited enchantment charges for such artifacts, for the same reason. Overpowered, maybe, but also not strange at all.


I do hope this mod would change the very mechanic of weapon upgrading, rather than change every individual weapon, so that even mod weapons are affected.

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Well, yes, I'd hate it if it didn't work with mod weapons. In terms of Daerdic artifacts, maybe have them de-grade even slower than Daedric weapons, or maybe the same speed as Dragonbone, as that will have the slowest de-grading (they must be pretty strong to survive eras buried in burial mounds ;)

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