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skyrim resolution lowered after re install


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hey fellas,

I used to play Skyrim in High Res

but then after I installed few mods, it becomes lags

so I reinstalled it


I've tried to use

Skyboosts, Hialgo Boost, and also Fakefullscreen

but it wont help

Its still lags and I can only possible to play in Low res.


Is there any possible way to turn it back to normal?

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Hi Res , Low Res ?


There are many things that affect the image quality in Skyrim and the amount of lag caused.


First thing to do is disable all those boost mods.

Second disable any Texture mods, most other mods should be relatively harmless but it may be wise to disable for now.

Last delete both skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini


Now launch Skyrim via launcher.exe


Select the minimum settings keeping the correct aspect ratio for you monitor.

Still not fixed then default settings on your graphics card should help


Now the game should really fly.


It is now up to you what to add but do it one at a time.


Just remember you have to balance ...Resolution v AA v other effects..


An example could be if you have a 1080p monitor and you play in that resolution the game could lag like crazy but if you played in 720p the game would not lag at all .


When you hit the wall for your graphics card you just have to trim your settings or get a new card.

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