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How to get invisible activators?

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Hiya. I've been trying to get invisible activators to work through hitting E on a trigger box, but it's not working. I followed this guide and never got it to work.

I'm mostly doing this because the GECK doesn't show certain meshes in the browser when trying to give an activator one, but also because it would be much easier to do this when models are being switched around (rather than 2 activators).


Is there a way to do this that I've missed? Did I just not read it right? My googling returned almost nothing, other than a mod that gives you custom meshes for this purpose, but I want to avoid using that, since I feel like it should be possible in base game.


If you want to see what I've done for yourself, you can open my Goodsprings Shack - Redux mod in the GECK and the activators and other things are still there, specifically for the lantern on the shelf, and the nuka lamp in the basement. Most every new script or asset is prefixed with "GSShack".


Appreciate any and all help!

Edited by ProfessorHappycat
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That guide is for the creation kit, so I don't really know how backwards compatible it would be.


For creating invisible interactables, I've always just used the invisible cave doors. They show up as an orange rectangle in-editor but are invisible in-game. You can override the prompt text in the reference editor.


Thinking about it, you could probably just plug in that mesh for an activator.

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That guide is for the creation kit, so I don't really know how backwards compatible it would be.


For creating invisible interactables, I've always just used the invisible cave doors. They show up as an orange rectangle in-editor but are invisible in-game. You can override the prompt text in the reference editor.


Thinking about it, you could probably just plug in that mesh for an activator.

Not the most elegant solution, but it works. Thanks! Only wish I could stretch them out a little more so they're not just flat walls, but I'll have to deal.


EDIT: Actually, I'm having a new issue now. It seems to screw with the glow effect I have since they're both overlapping transparent objects. No idea what to do about it.



Edited by ProfessorHappycat
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