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  1. You could "easily" add a voiced player character by just adding to the normal response text and having it be voiced by your Player Character voiceactor, and not give it any lipsync files. This would require editing literally every topic in the game, but the illusion that it is your character speaking would work. My theory of a more practical implementation would be some kind of NVSE magic that can tell what topic you're highlighting in the dialogue menu and send an instruction to play a specific audio file. I don't know if that could be done, but I'm not in the position to say what the Wizards could or could not do these days, especially with all they've been doing lately.
  2. The Script Extender has an expanded DisableControl function let's you target the hotkeys. Combined with disabling the pip-boy, the only way I can think of that a player could circumvent your intent at that point would be to use Stewie Tweak's Quick-Use feature. This sounds like you're trying to make Doom's Berserk power-up, and so at that point, the idea of a berserk player wolfing down every loose food and drug within reach just sounds funny, so I'd allow it.
  3. You just call YourVendorNPCsReferenceID.ShowBartermenu in the relevant terminal option's result script. You'll also want to force the Terminal menu to close beforehand or else you get a buggy barter menu like the vanilla lucky38 terminal.
  4. Go to the plugins section, double click the mod you're wanting to move, change Sorted Automatically to Locked to Index and set it to where you want it to go. If there are any loose file conflicts, you'll get a prompt in the top right asking which mod you want to take precedence.
  5. As far as I can tell, EMP Resistance is a red herring. It's an unfinished/unimplemented mechanic. (Or maybe it's how Pulse damage worked in Fallout 3? I remember it was still good for robots, but it was way less extreme than in NV.) The way the pulse guns actually work is they have an object effect that checks whether the target is either Creature Type 6 (Robot), or is wearing any of the vanilla game's power armor. If true, it directly damages the target's health for a static amount of additional damage.
  6. It's been awhile since I gave it a proper reading, but Isn't it against the TOS to post mods that arbitrarily make the game non-functional.
  7. Change the Run On box to Reference and set the reference to PlayerRef.
  8. Was there a geck extender update or something? Because there's only three in my version. But I would assume it would if it's there. Tag skill bonuses are managed by other variables that only care if the skill is considered Tagged.
  9. There's any number of ways to do this, none of them are wrong but some are better depending on what exactly you're needing it for In general, one of the best ways and least likely to cause headaches is to have a quest variable you can use to condition different Greeting responses where 0 == "Player hasn't met Me before". 1 == "Player has refused to help me before", and 2 == "Player has previously agreed to help me." Then when this task the player is supposed to help with is completed, you can set that variable to 3 to disable all of these dialogues, or for a 3 == "Hey remember that time you helped me? That was great"
  10. "A Simple Mod" are some choice words. We already have Book Menu Restored and that's probably all we'll ever have; Even if it isn't, a paper notes mod probably wouldn't see much widespread adoption. (Kinda like Book Menu Restored).
  11. No external tools I'm aware of, but I have some general tips: When making a Male NPC, the first thing you should always do is go to the complexion slider and move it a little to the left. This "tightens" the default face up a bit, giving you a better starting canvas. When making a Female NPC, always hit the Reset Face button first. This gets rid of the "Bloated Blueberry" effect and again, starts you off with a better canvas. Also, *never* touch the complexion slider with Female NPCs. It's busted. Play around with the Brow-Nose-Chin and Forehead-Sellion-Nose ratio sliders. These help you get a good starting shape for the character your envisioning. Do not ignore the "Beard" and "Mustache" texture sliders, even, and especially for women. While they may seem excessive and unusable, they are actually very important for adjusting skin tone. A little in either direction goes a long way. COnsider using the "Old" races (not to be confused with the OldAged races) if you're trying to make a grizzly or tough looking character. The assets are just better for it. When you've got the Face Advanced tab open, you can directly manipulate the face by right clicking. Use this to make direct adjustments to specific areas. but be careful with it. (Also always save your mod before doing this, as it's not uncommon to crash while doing this.) You can CTRL-Z Undo any changes made this way by-the-by. and finally: Understand that Fallout 3/NV characters have an.... Art Style. Realism isn't going to work; character designs with these assets benefit from a bit of caricature.
  12. This is unfortunately a limitation of how the dialogue system works. Every Response text must have a unique sound file. The "fix" is to rethink how you are writing and presenting the dialogue itself.
  13. You forgot about the A/V Perk box to the bottom-right of the Prompt Text box; that's where you decide what is displayed. You need to set it to the Skill or Perk you want to display.
  14. It's just vanilla-level content (Quests, Statics, Interiors, Npcs, Navmeshes.) By that logic the vanilla game itself wouldn't function. Hell- Project Nevada, memed be its name, is still more or less usable.
  15. Pretty certain you're looking for Skunkwater Gulch.
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