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"Superhero" Armour? (Look Inside for Image refrences)


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Hey all,


I'm seemingly dissapointed in the Superhero style mods for Skyrim, I'm sure we all expected there to be some and ofcourse they would be silly mods you wouldnt dare use in a immersive playthough since they add god like stats and such, but I've always wondered why no one ever made something like this:




This is taken from the game DC Universe Online but look at how great that would be for a mod! A Heavy armour set with the recolouring and symbols of Superheros. I think it would make a great mod but sadly I lack the required know-how and talent to create such a mod which is why I decided to post here!


Specificly the Batman and Superman ones look the best since they are bulky like heavy armour.


Any thoughts on this?

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