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Need some advice on ADXP/MCO.


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So I have finally taken the opportunity to try out ADXP/MCO and some combat animations and I like it but I need some friendly advice about some combat animations. Now I have all the hard requirements for ADXP/MCO, Nemesis, SCAR, etc as well as the requirements for each combat animation yet only some are playing in-game (I did switch from Dynamic to Open Animation Replacer, I still have Dynamic though just in case). Here's a list of the combat animations I want to use:


MCO Spear Soldier Animation

MCO King of Swords Animation

Dual Wield Sword MCO Moveset


Ludwig's Legacy-Skyrim SE-ADXP/MCO Moveset

Fancy Sword Moveset for MCO (just turned this mod off)


I also have Animated Armory-DAR Version as well, don't know if that is hindering these combat animations. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Edited by SavageHero48
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To be clear, your question is why some are not playing when you expect them to?

If you have all the requirements and have run the Nemesis engine and installed its output, I would check the conditions the animations are supposed to play in. Some (or all) of those are formatted for DAR, so you should go into the files and find conditions text documents. They are fairly self-explanatory, for example, if an animation is player-only or needs a perk to start showing. See if they work under conditions you know they should after checking the conditions document. If it still doesn't work, there must be something wrong with your installation.

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