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andrew's airforce base


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So I just finished Broken Steel, and was astonished by the size and grandeur of the air force base. It got me thinking, would it be possible to create a mod in which the base is populated by wastelanders after the completion of the mission? It seems like the perfect place to inhabit. Plenty of structures lying around, and very easily defended. I know If I was going to start a post apocalyptic settlement that's the first place I'd try.


I have no experience texturing or meshing, but otherwise I know my way around the geck pretty well. Just wondering if theirs any interest in this, and if so if anyone's willing to help.



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I must admit i was massively dissapointed by the lack of use that area saw after completing broken steel i mean seriously....reasons to make it a town....


1- Already has lockable deathclaw pens which could be used as a visitors zoo or the like.

2- Massive openable areas to build an entire city bigger than any other.

3- Its own train service.

4- Its a bloody airfield...hellooo...mods to go with tht...Bertivird, Personal vertibird, enclave commander etc etc

5- perfect amount of space to play with your ridable vehicles mod whichever one you have.

6- one bit of it already has houses they just need opening.

7- M.a.R.g.O is a damn obvious choice for a small public transport quest.


The list goes on and on forever....ive tried alsorts of mods that left me somewhat miffed to say the least like RTS-real time settler, although an excellent mod dont get me wrong i loved it, but it was all over so soon and i was left looking at my pathetic little shack town thinking...umm....and now what..


I cant mod fa shiz so tried placing things with a combo of rts and command console even used things like an npc spawner to liven up the place...used scc to recruit a few npcs that i knew some were scripted to visit and place them there but still wasnt enough lol.


So i agree adams airforce base Needs to be a player owned/controlled city....we deserve it damn it we pretty much single handedly saved the human race in this area and fa what....not even a gold clock damn it just a bunch of people asking us to do Yet more "FOR THEM"


just a few links that some "Angel modder sent from heaven" might find useful if they thought about actually making this God of a mod...



(a topic about making a dynamic and growning city which is def worth watching)


(a mod that adds travellers from 270 spawn points travelling to the towns, could be ripped to use in AFB)


Also search these out...sorry no links cba lol


Brahmin herds

farming bob

Bertivird-(spelt correctly) which is a personal vertibird you ACTUALLY ride in unlike some.

RTS-Real time settler


Oh and the word "portable" on the forums comes up with endless great mods for player placeable stuff


A few suggestions....


Have the city grown over time depending on player choices.

Open up and navmeshh the sealed off areas.

Have visitors using the train.

Maybe add a player owned shop that you dump ya stuff in and it gets sold.


I could go on but now im just ranting and this is after all someone elses topic so just to say i completely agree zeperoth and if theres a god out there someone will make this :)


P.S. Love the the final fantasy feel to ya name....cant believe no-one put the real sephiroth in as a boss/companion/playable char yet tbh.

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It'd be easy enough to rig up some stuff to the xmarker vanilla uses to start the BOS in the base aferwards, just set the items to "initally disabled" and make sure "pop in" is disabled under activate parents. Then next time the cell refreshes *poof* civilisation.
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