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Onions, Garlic, Garlic, and the Alchemy freeze


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There are mods that add variety to fruits and vegetables and some new plants have outright been added. For the most part, this is sensible and good!


I am currently searching for the mods that cause a peculiar issue for me regarding the titular meal items. First, there are the resized garlics. Honestly, I've seen and worked with those things IRL, and "elephant garlic" can honestly be regarded as another variety of garlic in flavor, consistency, and (in the game) Alchemical properties. By which I suggest a couple of the secondary properties should be changed up. What's more, Onions are an entirely different plant. Again, it should have different properties.


Yet, all three of the aforementioned share all their properties and they are glitched! If you try to use both types of garlic or either type and onions, all properties are revealed and you get a four-purpose potion. Said potion-making freezes up Alchemy progression although that's likely just from making a product with four effects.


If the properties of Big Ol' Garlic and Onions are changed up, of course, this will never happen.



BlazeStryker (Defender of the Vidalians)


P.S. I can say this... I live in Georgia.

P.P.S. This is in technical instead of mod support because of the four-effect alchemy bug. Just as a side note, since there's not a negative trait to be had in those three ingredients, even using the perk to keep poisonous effects out of potions and boosts out of poisons would do no good.

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