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Tsaesci race


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i not sure if someone posted this,if it was posted before forgive but i could'nt look for the topic in 1422 pages on the forums...well anyway the request is this:i would love to see a mod of the tsaesci race

to those who know the lore please dont panic,i know it would be difficult to make a working snake like humanoid body,i just want something simple like this http://mj-parker.tumblr.com/image/35338044975


the original concept made by tamriel rebuilt team ilustrates the true form of a tsaesci http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/forum/files/akaviri_162.png


now since i suck at modeling(not for too long i am learning) i going to send this request for the talented nexus modders community,i am sure someone can easily do this mod

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the tsaesci wiped the dragons of akavir and "consumed" the humans on the land.There are many interesting akavir races,like the mokey people named tang mo,and the kamals,snow demons of akavir.but what i most like from the tsaesci is that they actually invaded tamriel on the first Era and even though the invasion was a failure,they brought many cultural aspects to cyrodill, from weapons and armor like the Dai - Katana and the dragonscale armor to cultural beliefs and myths

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  • 5 months later...

The Tsaesci are actually slightly creepy in my opinion...I mean, they committed genocide of dragons (and ate them, no less), attempted to take over Tamriel and almost destroyed the fledgling Empire. I think they'd make a very interesting enemy in future titles.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really want this race because I want to make a tsaesci build

You could also try to use a gold skinned argonian vampire (Tsaesci are goldskinned, aren't they?), it's probably the closest thing you could get in vanilla (although the gold skin might require racemenu or something).

Hope someone gets onto this though, the example you gave looks pretty good.

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