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Do our governments already have a way to register, approve, document, legalize aliens that could possibly come to Earth, or that may already be living among us?
(I'm not on drugs, OK, just asking, lol)

What would it be like if aliens really started visiting Earth more often and making a living here? My wonder is mostly regarding the legalization of documents, IDs and all. Would they have to follow the same Earth citizens rights, or would they have benefits like quotas, restrictions, or something else?

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If the kinds of Aliens that we people of Earth describe, as if they are from Outer Space, because they seem to live on another planet or somewhere else among us we can't realize, and have vehicles they can travel to different planets to and from.

If they wanted to become legal citizens of the planet Earth?

First they would have to make them selves known.

Birth records, gender, how long they intend to stay in one place, relatives that will be responsible for their behavior while they are working for a living.

If they rent property. Which campground they pay for a lot to park their FSS: Flying Star Ship, Or, FRV: Flying Recreation Vehicle.

Or make arrangements for purchasing land or a permanent residence where they can park their FSS or FRV.

First step would be to apply for citizenship.

To whatever country they wanted to be a citizen of. Learn what the countries laws for citizenship requires. Study the required courses to take the test to become a citizen. Then apply for a work card.

We like to call it a Social Security Card in the U. S. A..

After they have applied for and gotten all the necessary papers.

Then it's time to give their work qualifications, past work references from previous employers from businesses for businesses management can determine if they want to hire them. So they then can apply for work in any of the businesses that they could work for with their skills. Or take a short course in any of the colleges to get a MBA and go into business for them selves.

Once they have passed all the required stuff each and ever country would require; they would be ready to go to work doing all the menial labor the leaders of business on our planet could give them.

My house could use a makeover, maybe afterward the yard would need one too, I sure would not mind getting the water pipes replaced that are between 20 to 50 years old and likely either piping made with clay or the metal called Lead. A new roof on the outbuilding. Might as well redue the roof on the house as well while they're at and install Solar Panels to give the place whole solar powered battery support. (Then I can sell any extra power I have to the Power Company, instead of paying them for electricity.) If they Outer Space Aliens would do that kind of work I would welcome them if they would do that kind of work.

Otherwise they would, to me at least, just like the people who don't desire to work doing those kinds of jobs. I'll just have to wait it out and hope the place doesn't fall apart while I am still living. Using it for a Gamer's play ground.

I am not mowing that Glacier Park filled indigenous plants that over taken the property. I am not digging up and removing all the Bamboo trees growing around the house and filling the yard and have Hop plants growing up those 14 foot tall Bamboo Trees stalks. I am a grumpy old hermit that wants to get old playing video games, acting like a child and being stupid whenever the neighbors complain about my happy little camp.

While I am a live I will never give up my old age rights to do as I choose. So anyone who wants to try and make me ove to a retirement home.

You will have to pry my keyboard and mouse from my cold dead hands!!!

Aliens from Outer Space. Just another bunch of lazy people. Might as well be holding up signs saying, Will Work for Food (or whatever other cheap idea they might have to exploit money from people driving out of the Wallmart parking lots.)

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Pay me fifty dollars US an hour and I will let you practice learning any one of the ways to update old wooden houses, make lawns attractive to golfers, and restore roofing. :teehee:


HEY! I have to pump my own gas. :sweat: That wasn't what it was like when I was child. The gas station owner had a team that came out and did that. :dance: So, now!


If you want to give me heck about how my place is ruining those sight seeing vacationers ideas of a good neighbor... Pay me to teach you how to become a fixer upper and I will gladly train and supervise you as you work to make sure you don't make my place Worse for me imo so I can't even live in the place anymore.


Alien's from outer space!!! Phaw.


Lazy no good for nothing drifters is all they are to me. Maybe some of them do business with Billionaires. Doesn't look like it though. Or Elon Musk would already have a Super Star Ship Taxi service as well as having people living and terra forming Mars. :tongue:

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If the kinds of Aliens that we people of Earth describe, as if they are from Outer Space, because they seem to live on another planet or somewhere else among us we can't realize, and have vehicles they can travel to different planets to and from.
If they wanted to become legal citizens of the planet Earth?
First they would have to make them selves known.
Birth records, gender, how long they intend to stay in one place, relatives that will be responsible for their behavior while they are working for a living.
If they rent property. Which campground they pay for a lot to park their FSS: Flying Star Ship, Or, FRV: Flying Recreation Vehicle.
Or make arrangements for purchasing land or a permanent residence where they can park their FSS or FRV.
First step would be to apply for citizenship.
To whatever country they wanted to be a citizen of. Learn what the countries laws for citizenship requires. Study the required courses to take the test to become a citizen. Then apply for a work card.
We like to call it a Social Security Card in the U. S. A..
After they have applied for and gotten all the necessary papers.
Then it's time to give their work qualifications, past work references from previous employers from businesses for businesses management can determine if they want to hire them. So they then can apply for work in any of the businesses that they could work for with their skills. Or take a short course in any of the colleges to get a MBA and go into business for them selves.
Once they have passed all the required stuff each and ever country would require; they would be ready to go to work doing all the menial labor the leaders of business on our planet could give them.
My house could use a makeover, maybe afterward the yard would need one too, I sure would not mind getting the water pipes replaced that are between 20 to 50 years old and likely either piping made with clay or the metal called Lead. A new roof on the outbuilding. Might as well redue the roof on the house as well while they're at and install Solar Panels to give the place whole solar powered battery support. (Then I can sell any extra power I have to the Power Company, instead of paying them for electricity.) If they Outer Space Aliens would do that kind of work I would welcome them if they would do that kind of work.
Otherwise they would, to me at least, just like the people who don't desire to work doing those kinds of jobs. I'll just have to wait it out and hope the place doesn't fall apart while I am still living. Using it for a Gamer's play ground.
I am not mowing that Glacier Park filled indigenous plants that over taken the property. I am not digging up and removing all the Bamboo trees growing around the house and filling the yard and have Hop plants growing up those 14 foot tall Bamboo Trees stalks. I am a grumpy old hermit that wants to get old playing video games, acting like a child and being stupid whenever the neighbors complain about my happy little camp.
While I am a live I will never give up my old age rights to do as I choose. So anyone who wants to try and make me ove to a retirement home.
You will have to pry my keyboard and mouse from my cold dead hands!!!
Aliens from Outer Space. Just another bunch of lazy people. Might as well be holding up signs saying, Will Work for Food (or whatever other cheap idea they might have to exploit money from people driving out of the Wallmart parking lots.)



Man, you actually said some really interesting things on the subject. Do you work in any law department or something? Maybe you could help people write/develop some laws about it.


Somehow this atmosphere reminded me of the MIB movie, with aliens coming and going, working in many different jobs, with their own drama, etc. I think it's all interesting and fun :)

I hope the aliens can help you with your house. I feel you when you say you're like an hermit playing videogames, I guess we all gamers have that in us at some point of our lives.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


Btw, have you ever seen any alien-like phenomena, an UFO, an extraordinary or unexplainable out of this world occurrence?

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Why didn't Clark Kent fix up his foster parent's farm so they became well to do? As his super powers allowed him he could have. Instead; all those years as Clark Kent he sent money to the Kent's from his paycheck at the newspaper company.


Which suggested they were poor farmers until their days end with no end of the bank reminding they to pay their monthly debt to the bank or lose the farm. Paying property taxes must have really sapped the cookie jar of, his Step-Mom's, savings dry too.


An event? How did I become so wise?


I gained knowledge from others preparing to go into the cities seeking employment. When I was young; trying to earn my way by working for one of the many companies I have had to go to several different places in the USA during my early youth.


Mining and smelting was the mainstay where I grew up. I traveled to several other states seeking employment and learned they all had similar, citizen ship, and employment rules with applications. Some were similar to where I had grown up, but some varied.


Other campers were, almost always, offering advice to new arrivals about getting hired where ever I stopped to rest and seek employment.


The people who worked in the offices always seemed to have to the same issues. Our enthusiasm to want to live barely kept them alert.


While out at the camp ground we youth gathered each evening to share experiences. Some youth like me brought food back that we gathered from gardens we found as we did well not to anger the gardener's life. Everyone shared experiences and talked about the places we were going to seek employment we heard about while we scoured the big city for places that would hire us.


I spent many a night wondering; looking up at the stars at night. Wondering if there were other people and planets out there. I have seen and shared what appeared fascinating while among the restless youth we were. On occasions, someone or I, spotted a bright small dot among the stars that seemed to travel across the starry sky above against the flow of stars in the sky.


While at a camp where we were hoping to be hired to work on an Expo being built for a city, many of us were sleeping out under the stars. As we tired and our chatting; like all of the people I met at campgrounds, we talked about the exciting stories of getting wealthy. Our tired minds soon dwindled and focused on how much space there was above us, we all laid there watching the night sky.


One light occasionally appeared, a light so small, so distant, it could have been a space ship, a Star ship. One of us spotted, and we all watched as it traveled fast among the stars. We shared the curious wonder about what it could be?


A light as bright as a star, too distant to be a plane over head, or the USA's space station? All of us continued watching, I kind of hoped, maybe the others did too, hoped for it to grow brighter and to come to take us to a place where we would finally find that way to earn a living without the many dreads of things our young minds dwelt upon.


While laying on a sleeping bag among groups of people camping for the night and looking up at the deep purple realm of outer space we all pondered life.


Even so, there were many, not just one. During my years between sleeping out in the back yard, to sleeping out in the national park, to sleeping in camps where people came from far and wide hoping to find employment, I saw many stars that didn't stand still. I spent many nights drifting off to sleep after gazing up at the vast space above.


In my lifetime the occasional bright dot moving swiftly across the star lit star filled sky was not uncommon. Meteors, Comets, Asteroids. Big frozen bits of the icy dust from where?


Realms of planets gone Nova? A ball of dust gathered in water turned to ice that broke away? I watched, on occasion, hoping to see a UFO that landed and strange Aliens emerged to meet. Wondering; as I saw those tiny shiny dots drift across the night sky. They were things that gave me some thing to ponder while I ignored the night air, the slight chill on my exposed face, and discomfort of sleeping on the ground. Until I went to sleep.


Have I ever seen a flying machine which I might have met the someone, made contact with another life form, that might have been from outer space?

Nothing strange; like that of that which some people imagine Aliens from outer space to be, in that category, has ever happened to me. The campground, and each I stayed for as long as I could survive there, were filled with people from all over the North American continent. Not enough Aliens for you?


Do you want just one, one stranger than the differences we all have, and more? I wouldn't turn away for an experience like that if it were to happen so I met aliens from Outer Space. I might hide; at first.


I wait and sometimes remember; as I lay on my sleeping bag, a mat filled with air underneath it, thinking about where my soul is reaching out to, tonight. Until when, I fall asleep.


Good night. Sweet Dreams.

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Why didn't Clark Kent fix up his foster parent's farm so they became well to do? As his super powers allowed him he could have. Instead; all those years as Clark Kent he sent money to the Kent's from his paycheck at the newspaper company.


Which suggested they were poor farmers until their days end with no end of the bank reminding they to pay their monthly debt to the bank or lose the farm. Paying property taxes must have really sapped the cookie jar of, his Step-Mom's, savings dry too.


An event? How did I become so wise?


I gained knowledge from others preparing to go into the cities seeking employment. When I was young; trying to earn my way by working for one of the many companies I have had to go to several different places in the USA during my early youth.


Mining and smelting was the mainstay where I grew up. I traveled to several other states seeking employment and learned they all had similar, citizen ship, and employment rules with applications. Some were similar to where I had grown up, but some varied.


Other campers were, almost always, offering advice to new arrivals about getting hired where ever I stopped to rest and seek employment.


The people who worked in the offices always seemed to have to the same issues. Our enthusiasm to want to live barely kept them alert.


While out at the camp ground we youth gathered each evening to share experiences. Some youth like me brought food back that we gathered from gardens we found as we did well not to anger the gardener's life. Everyone shared experiences and talked about the places we were going to seek employment we heard about while we scoured the big city for places that would hire us.


I spent many a night wondering; looking up at the stars at night. Wondering if there were other people and planets out there. I have seen and shared what appeared fascinating while among the restless youth we were. On occasions, someone or I, spotted a bright small dot among the stars that seemed to travel across the starry sky above against the flow of stars in the sky.


While at a camp where we were hoping to be hired to work on an Expo being built for a city, many of us were sleeping out under the stars. As we tired and our chatting; like all of the people I met at campgrounds, we talked about the exciting stories of getting wealthy. Our tired minds soon dwindled and focused on how much space there was above us, we all laid there watching the night sky.


One light occasionally appeared, a light so small, so distant, it could have been a space ship, a Star ship. One of us spotted, and we all watched as it traveled fast among the stars. We shared the curious wonder about what it could be?


A light as bright as a star, too distant to be a plane over head, or the USA's space station? All of us continued watching, I kind of hoped, maybe the others did too, hoped for it to grow brighter and to come to take us to a place where we would finally find that way to earn a living without the many dreads of things our young minds dwelt upon.


While laying on a sleeping bag among groups of people camping for the night and looking up at the deep purple realm of outer space we all pondered life.


Even so, there were many, not just one. During my years between sleeping out in the back yard, to sleeping out in the national park, to sleeping in camps where people came from far and wide hoping to find employment, I saw many stars that didn't stand still. I spent many nights drifting off to sleep after gazing up at the vast space above.


In my lifetime the occasional bright dot moving swiftly across the star lit star filled sky was not uncommon. Meteors, Comets, Asteroids. Big frozen bits of the icy dust from where?


Realms of planets gone Nova? A ball of dust gathered in water turned to ice that broke away? I watched, on occasion, hoping to see a UFO that landed and strange Aliens emerged to meet. Wondering; as I saw those tiny shiny dots drift across the night sky. They were things that gave me some thing to ponder while I ignored the night air, the slight chill on my exposed face, and discomfort of sleeping on the ground. Until I went to sleep.


Have I ever seen a flying machine which I might have met the someone, made contact with another life form, that might have been from outer space?

Nothing strange; like that of that which some people imagine Aliens from outer space to be, in that category, has ever happened to me. The campground, and each I stayed for as long as I could survive there, were filled with people from all over the North American continent. Not enough Aliens for you?


Do you want just one, one stranger than the differences we all have, and more? I wouldn't turn away for an experience like that if it were to happen so I met aliens from Outer Space. I might hide; at first.


I wait and sometimes remember; as I lay on my sleeping bag, a mat filled with air underneath it, thinking about where my soul is reaching out to, tonight. Until when, I fall asleep.


Good night. Sweet Dreams.

Well hahaha for Clark's defense (not that I comply to it, just seeing things on his side), maybe he didn't help much, using his powers, because he was trying to blend in somehow, to act "normal", probably to protect his own Earth parents from the cruelty of us humans. That'd be a comprehensible excuse imo, but Idk if it was the best option or not.


Besides some flaws and exaggerations, Superman is a figure the world "needs" (at least needed in a stronger way at times of war), that we all sometimes think would be good to end or protect against what we judge being evil. It would be a catalyst to solve worldwide problems. Sometimes we "need" a hero, at least it's comforting to think about that once in a while. For now, we have no aliens to help us out (at least I think) so, all hands on deck cap.


You're a hard worker and a winner, facing problems, fighting for new tomorrows, you're strong and that's great, keep that strength. I wish I could be like that, but life's always dragging me down, the stone's heavy and I'm weak. Working on that though, each step at a time.


Cool story, you've added lots of details, to the environment and all, it was good to read it.

I think everyone can spot a sort of unexplainable phenomena if one really want to. It's rare, but if you really look for it, I mean really, not just wish for it, you might eventually see. In a 24h day, for how long do we look at the stars? Most people don't even have the privilege to see a clear sky. If it was, on average, 1 minute of looking attentively to the skies in a 24h cycle, it'd be a lot, because we usually just take a glance to the sky, for a few seconds and it's not everyday.


About the lights you saw, how swift did they move, and how was the trajectory, how did they behave? Like, there are those satellites that are little light dots moving straight across the sky in a constant speed, or the space station (which I still haven't seen but maybe soon I'll fix that), and there are lights that don't move in a straight trajectory, with alternating speeds, maybe changing sizes and colors.


Your camping reminded me of my hometown, a small town with like 14k people, mostly a rural area with neighboring towns being very similar, on the hills, with altitude around 1k-2k meters high above the ocean, here in the southern hemisphere. I used to camp every year, not because of work like you, but for entertainment with relatives and friends. And up there on the hills, the sky is even clearer, you can see the details of the milky way and all, so the sightings of phenomena in the sky are common, 100% chance to see something other than stars of planets in the sky, being it a comet or satellite (or something else). It's a pity the world is becoming too bright in populated areas and too polluted, hiding all the beauty of the sky above us. Anyway, a very high percentage of people living or visiting that are have seen something not so ordinary in the sky.


Ironically though, the oddest sighting I had was here where I'm at now, in a much bigger city, with around 700k people, during the day, with a clear blue sky. I was with one ex girlfriend at the time, in an apartment and I was not used to look at the window at all there, as for privacy the windows were always blocked by curtains, but that day we were chatting and Idk why, I stared at the sky. It's hard to describe, but far in the horizon I say a light, the size of a regular star, or a planet like Venus, because it was not a blinking light, like stars, so more like a planet. At 1st glance I just thought it was Venus, but it was actually moving, so I thought it was a plane, simply reflecting the sunlight that's why it was so bright. It moved in a straight line across the sky until it came above us, like the 90º position of the 12h sun (Idk how to say this lol), straight above our heads and it wasn't that high up. Imagine a low opacity circular object, with 4 lights evenly distributed on it's edges, alternatively blinking, well not blinking but dimming, increasing the glow, fainting the glow in like 1,5 - 2 seconds time for each light. I didn't get too impressed or excited about it but we got out of the apartment to take a better look. I tried to capture a video with an old cellphone as the light went on in it's straight trajectory until the other side of the horizon, but the video was so horrible and pixelated you couldn't even see the light on the sky Lol. My ex gf kept looking at it and she said she some some kind of "tentacles" as she described, or ribbons, flowing out of the object, but I didn't see those "tentacles" because I was trying to turn the cell camera on and all. But the most amazing thing about this event wasn't the UFO, or UAP, but like a minute after it crossed the sky disappearing in the other side of the horizon, a double rainbow appeared, along with a beautiful sunset, making a kind of lens reflection. I was one of the most beautiful, or the most beautiful rainbow I've ever seen and people from other apartments were all coming out to look at the sky.


Years later, traveling through my hometown and this big city here, I got an UFO in a dashcam (horrible quality, but it's something :P). I'm used to driving during the dawn, because it's more peaceful, less dangerous, less stressful and you can go faster. One night I was having an odd feeling like I should record the sky with my phone, to record the trip, but since I use Waze, or I recorded or I used the app. Then while passing through one of the small towns, on a hillside road, I saw the most beautiful meteor crossing the sky I had ever seen in my life, it was green, leaving the characteristic meteor tail showing the trajectory and so bright it enlightened the hills with that greenish color, it lasted like 3 seconds or so. Spectacular. It was when I decided to purchase a dash cam and like 2 weeks later, on a similar trip, I captured the light. The video is horrible haha but it was cool to see something different in the sky. The light disappeared behind the hills.


I've also seen some odd lights in my hometown, but nothing too extraordinary, nothing moving too fast. I just wish I could take a ride with those fellas :D

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I have plenty of memories. I have seen similar streaking tiny lights crossing the night sky. I have few memories from being out doors some times during Summer days when it was dry and calm enough some nights to sleep outside.


While the rest of the times I was hunting for places to take cover when the weather this evening. The thunder keeps reminding me there is lightning off in the distance. Some people I found crowded under an over pass once saved my life. I took cover under the overpass where they were while a hurricane was getting too close to move along safely.


After a few minutes of total terrifying wind and noise, the air grew calm, the noises faded out too. I got up started to walk down to the road and continue on. One of the people jammed in under the overpass grabbed me. They all agreed with that person to get me to stay put. He explained to me then, that we were in the eye of the hurricane at that moment.


If I had gone out when I did I would have got caught in the edge of the circling wall outside the eye as the hurricanes funnel passed and crossed over us. I could have ended up in the winds getting spun around among all the stuff it picked up. That group in Kansas saved my life.


It's fascinating about how your stories going along too.


Thunder and lightning are reminding me how the weather is and had been lately. It's getting late. I am going to fill up the air mattress and get a couple of hours sleep. I'm glad I am inside my Wooden Tent. It just started raining.


Thx for sharing.

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I have plenty of memories. I have seen similar streaking tiny lights crossing the night sky. I have few memories from being out doors some times during Summer days when it was dry and calm enough some nights to sleep outside.


While the rest of the times I was hunting for places to take cover when the weather this evening. The thunder keeps reminding me there is lightning off in the distance. Some people I found crowded under an over pass once saved my life. I took cover under the overpass where they were while a hurricane was getting too close to move along safely.


After a few minutes of total terrifying wind and noise, the air grew calm, the noises faded out too. I got up started to walk down to the road and continue on. One of the people jammed in under the overpass grabbed me. They all agreed with that person to get me to stay put. He explained to me then, that we were in the eye of the hurricane at that moment.


If I had gone out when I did I would have got caught in the edge of the circling wall outside the eye as the hurricanes funnel passed and crossed over us. I could have ended up in the winds getting spun around among all the stuff it picked up. That group in Kansas saved my life.


It's fascinating about how your stories going along too.


Thunder and lightning are reminding me how the weather is and had been lately. It's getting late. I am going to fill up the air mattress and get a couple of hours sleep. I'm glad I am inside my Wooden Tent. It just started raining.


Thx for sharing.


You were caught in the eye of a hurricane and survived to tell the tale, not everyone can say that. Stories like that immediately get my interest, it's like a magnet that pulls us to know more. Your story reminded me of the movie Twister (no about hurricanes, it's about tornadoes but the atmosphere you spoke of reminded of some scenes from that movie).


If you're in a wooden tent amongst the nature, you're privileged :)


There was a time I was kind of getting addicted to watching videos about camping, people building shelters in the woods, or cold environments, etc and that gives me a relaxing and good feeling, especially if there are dogs involved, lol


Anyway, take care


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I didn't start out in the Eye of the Hurricane. I got under the bypass before it got close enough to start whipping the winds around it. While under the bypass the people with me parked their vehicles and got up and under the bypass overhead too.


The winds were so strong the cars almost got dragged out from under the overpass. The people parked them in close enough to the burrow pit though so they had a chance of not being dragged out, lifted up, and flipped over. Beneath our feet, the winds gusted to over 100 miles an hour every few minutes.


The Eye moved over us so we were in the center of the funnel until it moved further and then the wind seemed to change direction as the wall on it passed over us from the funnel again. We stayed there for some time until it passed far enough away it was safe for us to get out and go on with our journey.


All of the other people were going north. After the funnel was far north I finally headed south again.


My wooden tent is a mystery all in it's own.


Have a great life.

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I didn't start out in the Eye of the Hurricane. I got under the bypass before it got close enough to start whipping the winds around it. While under the bypass the people with me parked their vehicles and got up and under the bypass overhead too.


The winds were so strong the cars almost got dragged out from under the overpass. The people parked them in close enough to the burrow pit though so they had a chance of not being dragged out, lifted up, and flipped over. Beneath our feet, the winds gusted to over 100 miles an hour every few minutes.


The Eye moved over us so we were in the center of the funnel until it moved further and then the wind seemed to change direction as the wall on it passed over us from the funnel again. We stayed there for some time until it passed far enough away it was safe for us to get out and go on with our journey.


All of the other people were going north. After the funnel was far north I finally headed south again.


My wooden tent is a mystery all in it's own.


Have a great life.


You can add a "Hurricane Survivor" to your accomplishments list in life then fellow. Although it might have been terrifying and it's no joke, it was a rare occasion that you manage to get away from. Hurricanes are beautiful, cool, it leaves us in a kind of awe to see such a force of nature, but they're deadly and f*ks up many lives and families along their path, they're incredible but they s*k for doing that. Tornados, cyclones, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, meteors, they're all amazing and show how weak we are and that we must respect such a force.


Be safe, be well in your "tent" and flow with good vibrations, capture the good ones, block the bad ones.


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