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End of year network review


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Outstanding work Nexus team. I can imagine it might feel discouraging at times, but I want you to know that I along with thousands of other users truly appreciate the time and effort you put into making this service run as smoothly as possible.


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Thanks for all the amazing effort and outstanding work you guys put into this network of sites for the rest of us to utilize and enjoy. Not everyone will be made happy during the transition.


It takes time, but the majority of us realize that when you guys are done working out the bugs and bumps, this mofo will be as awesome as waking up next to Jennifer Aniston in bed, holding a platter of freshly cooked crispy bacon for you to enjoy after a hard night's work.

Edited by lycanassassin76
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Please, please, oh most rapacious Dark0ne! Refund that poor Lady's (totally voluntary) contribution to the upkeep and improvement of these sites. It's clear she's been hoodwinked and hasn't received the full value to which she (felt she) was entitled.




Oh? She was free-loading? And she was telling all those people who had decided that they were receiving something of value from the Nexus that it was somehow a giant scam and so they shouldn't say "Thank You" any more?


Never mind...

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Some people think they are born entitled! I say that looking back at the horrible rants some of the members have been posting on this thread. And the best part? - The biggest ranters are the free users! I mean, seriously??


You are getting this great website, free-to-use and download your favorite mods, engage with the community on topics ranging from scripting to the questionable fact if Ulfric wears a tight thong up his jammies - and still you whine and b&@*$ and moan about how the admins and site runners have screwed you and done you wrong??!


Each and every service has hiccups on occasion. Do you constantly write angry emails to your ISP if your internet is down for a minute or two?? Do you not realize that the people who run this website have LIVES?? As it is they work tirelessly to improve stability and service, and they do it - out of no obligation or compulsion but out of love for modding and the community and Skyrim of course! So please, learn to be patient and grateful!


Oh, and happy new year and holidays to my fellow users and site admins!


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Calm the fudge down, folks. From a developer perspective the whole migration was a good move. Because their one codebase isn't spread across multiple domains means that they can handle problems like the Skyrim site more easily. It's easier to debug, easier to maintain and therefor easier to fix. But, without knowing much about the internal development process, I'm not aware of what conclusions the development team have reached in regards to actually improving the code and the performance of the web-site in the long run. Still, one database... one database on several servers instead of several databases on several servers. More performance and bang for your buck, as a significant bottleneck has been removed. But I'm guessing that this web-site isn't "cloud optimized" yet... what are ya using, hadoop? I dunno... but it takes a little time for a huge migration like this if you DON'T have millions upon millions to do so.


"Success is a journey, not a destination!" - Early Cuyler

Edited by Third3ye
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