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End of year network review


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I think you guys are doing a great job keeping this place up. It certainly sounds like it hasn't been easy. As a free user I get a service from you that helps me make a game much more enjoyable. I have no right to complain, and neither do the rest of the deadbeats. Take your time to fix the problems, and try not to stress out to bad. Hell even take a day off lol Me and the rest of the deadbeats will live.
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I really despise people who have no experience in any sort of IT field, but because they can navigate windows, think they are gods. If you dont like the service than STFU and leave. I have been using nexus without paying since oblivion and I think its really amazing that I have been able to do that.





These poor people owe you NOTHING, working thier butts off trying to make things better but $hit happens. Not everything can be controlled if you actually think that it can you are more than delusional.


Edit: Though to be fair I despise most flammers and trolls.

Edited by Quantuml33p
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In the year and a half I've been using NMM I've seen VAST improvements, particularly after the switch to the new setup in the last few months. Things we couldn't think of doing prior are now possible. Sure there have been a few pebbles in the road, but overall speed, responsiveness and features are a giant leap from previous (ex: forced to reimage my machine right after your conversion I downloaded over a 100 mods... all ON A SATURDAY MORNING! Before, downloading more a than handful was near impossible.) Lots of other great stuff since but that stands out.


I prefer to measure progress vs. perfection. On this you are moving faster than Indiana Jones outrunning the boulder. The trolls will always be out there spinning indictments from a manageable flaw. As a friend of mine used to say, "This is a game people! If things don't go your way, you need to GO OUTSIDE!!"


NMM took an app (in my case Skyrim) that would have made the trash bin in three months, expanded it into years of entertainment and then said I could even have it for FREE! Instead I chose Premium, not for the extras but as a small way to show appreciation for all the hard work this team has put into it for us.


Thanks Dark0ne and the entire NMM team. Your work is awesome and more than most of us agree.



Edited by sangimpur
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Can the community help in any way? I really have no idea what the hell I'm talking about, but I'll throw my two cents in. What about reaching out to some of the smarty pants modders who do know a thing or two about IT? If nothing else, they can submit their own patches to your team so they can be vetted and implemented in a controlled situation. I'm pretty sure we all have a computer, so why not try to use our processing power to help temporarily bolster your server farm until a more permanent solution is created. I have no clue how this would work or if it will work. I'm an idea man not a real computer person. Maybe the trolls can figure it out.
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