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End of year network review


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:psyduck: Statistically a good number usually involves more than one. This has not been a forum topic lately, So, where are they? Have you done something to upset Sitebot?


As this actually has nothing to do with the year end review, I suggest starting a new topic under the 'Feedback, suggestions and questions' section. Here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/117-feedback-suggestions-and-questions/

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In response to post #10971018.

I'm sorry I posted it here. It was just kind of a last minute decision.

I did just go to make a new thread in the forum you suggested and traveled back a few pages, and found this thread http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1282106-not-allowed-to-see-adult-content-anymore/
Although others do say it's fixed.

Maybe I will try to reset my preferences again. Sorry for taking up time
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Gotta say it sucks all that you have to go through for this. Specifically the constant barrage of abuse you get from people on here that just don't seem to realize exactly how much work goes into a service like this. Either way thanks for the update and try not to get discouraged as the new year begins. Thanks for what you do and keep up the great work.
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even if new features are fun to make and fun to use a stable site that dose what it says it dose I what I really want so if ya'll spend 2014 working on stability then have at it when you work on that you can only make the site better and I love the new nmm it organized easier to use and before the new update it would not work on windows 8 leveing me with manually moding and I am not very skilled at that
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I usually don't get involved in the 'Defend Nexus Mods Regardless of State of Service vs Throw A Tantrum Cos I Feel Entitled To Have My Free Mods This Very Instance' comment war because it doesn't help get us a better Nexus. But I have to throw my hat into the ring here. To clarify I am mainly referring to Skyim Nexus portion of the site but really it pertains to all aspects of the service.


People who are complaining just think about it for a second. Even with the issues the site has you're getting hold of literally unbelievable amounts of content for FREE! And even as a premium member its costing you a fraction of any retail cost for content. Two things you should be thankful for:


Firstly. You should be thankful that Bethesda allow us and enable us to make mods for this game on this platform. Would EA ever do that? The fact that EA think £50 for an expansion pack is reasonable should give you your answer. (Horse Armour DLC I hear you say? I think Bethesda actually learnt something from that episode so I'll let them off for now)


Secondly. You should be thankful that the Nexus site exists and allows you so easily to mod games for free. You're complaining about a service that was unimaginable 5 years ago. You remember how long winded and complicated it was to mod games before we had the Nexus Site, Mod Managers, Script Extenders and Load Order Sorters all working together? They existed in some form or another but not as straightforward and time saving as they are now.


Look at how Nexus has facilitated a safe, simple and easy to use system to get new content into your game. Stop moaning and be thankful... In fact stop moaning and go back to the days of having to manually move files, writing code and spending 100 hours getting an overhaul to work if something like minor website downtime is so inconvenient for you. Or even better go use the Steam Workshop... Har Har...


How much would all the content on the site have cost you if it was 'Premium DLC'? It would be tens of thousands of pounds if not more. Would you have awesome customisable mods that do things you couldn't have imagined the game engine could do if it was all paid for DLC? No... you'd get £20 DLC that lets you have things and do things that were already in the game but just cut out of the product to squeeze more money out of you.


SkyUI, Immersive Armours, Frostfall, Fully Voiced companions, New Worlds, 30 Hours long Quests, HD Texture Packs, Overhauls etc etc... How much content? How much fun? How many mindblowingly awesome gaming moments do these mods give us FOR FREE thanks to NexusMods.


Most mods are beta tested, regularly updated, improved, endorsed, Youtube reviewed, comment reviewed by the community, as high quality if not better than officially released DLC, one-click download, one-click installed... and hell... your load order is sorted one-click too... FOR FREE. By people who want nothing more that give you content that they feel would make your game better. All this activity channeled into this site and made possible by this site.


I hate seeing all these rants about how bad the service is. About how some users feel entitled to have everything right now. Worst of all when they personally attack those that run the website. You're wrong to do so and completely out of order. Alongside the mods themselves and this site it

is the community that surrounds games like Skyrim that make them the best games ever. If there is anything I want to say with this comment is that I am truly grateful to all the modders, programmers, forum commenters, Youtubers Reviewers and the runners of this site.


I'd like to personally say thank you to all involved in this site and especially those that directly run it. Keep up the awesome work. I (and the vast majority of users) appreciate everything you're doing.

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Normally I don't read the threads posted on the Forum sites or on the homepage, but this caught my eye. This explains the problems I've been having. I didn't realize that you guys had to put up with this much stability problems, and am grateful that you even put up with them at all. I know how you all feel. I've worked with Cloud services before and they are a pain in the behind to get working and stable. I was not here before you moved to the Cloud, so I have nothing to compare it to, but if the Holiday fiasco was better then normal, I'm glad I came late to the party. Thank you for continuing to spend time and money on the problems we have as gamers.
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I have to say that Skyrim is the best game I've played on the PC, and this is in large part due to you and the great modders you host. Thank you all VERY MUCH for making my gaming experience in this great world awe-inspiring each and every time I sit down to it! Your work is very much appreciated, and well worth the premium membership fee.


On the fee, I remember looking at the site in October just before the price increase. One reply mentioned that while Lifetime membership was very helpful, the truly appreciated would get an annual membership and keep renewing, since it will generate more revenue over time and help support the enterprise best. As such, that is what I've done and I am very happy for the purchase. I've certainly received my money's worth!


A little history, I joined the Nexus faithful in November, thanks to Gopher's great videos. My first game was on a 386DX in 1992, so I've played a few.


Bethesda is probably the best game studio ever, with multiple dynasty franchises, and I wish them long life and great thanks, as well! I am also excited that the Nexus has a symbiotic relationship with them, since their franchises are the main foundation of the site.


Again, thank you Modders, Bethesda, and NEXUS Team!

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