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End of year network review


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I am so very impressed with the candor and "customer-first" attitude reflected in you reporting and focus on the long-term with a clear sensitivity to the frustrations of the end user. I love what you do, you have transformed my gaming experience. Keep your spirits up.

With best wishes to you all for a prosperous and less hassled 2014.


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Thank you and the great work you all have done these last many years. I have been involved as a user on and off since Fallout 3, and have always found the sites great. I noticed good changes throughout the year, and you made my end of modding, easy. Finding and deploying mods I think would bring a very good gaming experience to an already great game was not often much easier. The only update that floored me was the December one, but since I checked daily for updates, I was confused when a few mods gave daily updates, glad I checked main page to see why it wasn't working and got the new launcher.


Whereas currently I can't download ANY mods, that's not relative to your great performance.

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Keep up the good work. The upkeep sounds hard on you guys, but your sites are still here. I have never submitted a mod here(I never felt my .esp files for power armor, or daggers were good enough) but I have downloaded plenty, and I am happy this is one of the few if not only site that has its own mod manager.

Free is always good, and I appreciate you guys getting servers to take care of us. So thank you Nexus, role-players, modders, and anyone who likes Bethesda and this site as much as I do.

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Well, to be honest. I'm also being annoyed sometimes, when I want to have a quick look or a quick download here and getting stuck instead.

But never mind. You did a great side, the best of this kind I would say.

As a freelance computersupporter I know that also on my end, things do not always go as I would have liked.

Keep up your great work and good luck, health and fun for 2014 ;)


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Hey i love the nexusmods and appreciate work that you are doing.. but 2.5 minute page load (srsly?), 2 MB transfered in 44 (?! ) requests?


Im all for javascript and all but when your bundled .js file have 900 KB there is something you are doing wrong...minify it at least!

Second biggest (not depending on current page) is backgroung..do you really need to have 2200x931 background? And i see that you are using some imagemaps..why are there so many 14x14 gifs flying around? With 26 images required for page load this is total waste of bandwidth! I am not sure but for 14x14 image http headers might be bigger than the image it self...

And im not even mentioning minifiing html or making whole thing ajax...


Also for common css and js libs (i saw jquery there) you could use google cdn...


All im saying is that if you did some optimization on the view side of things you would save soooo mutch bandwidth and resources, and pageloads would not be so ridiculous.




Edited by zardas
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Hi. Just wanted to say that I really appreciate all the time you people have put into this site and I have enjoyed the benefits of mods for a while now. For anyone that has any complaints: I'm sure your criticism is appreciated by the Nexus staff, but remember, this place and it's mods are FREE. The critics, as much as they may have a right to point out obvious flaws, don't really have room to say anything. The bottom line: if you don't like it don't use it. With that being said, keep helpning the staff with your reports.

Again, thank you Nexus!

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