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End of year network review


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You guys rock! Please know your hard work isn't going unappreciated.

It's only been the past few weeks that I've noticed how much I use this site so I look forward to buying a membership as soon as I get paid.

You should also set something up for people to donate. People who aren't inclined to buy might be inclined to just donate to keep things running.


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As a premium member, I happily renew my membership each month for the reasonable price of about what a fast food meal costs once a month. (in USD)

I've seen too many game communities go dark over the years. I have liked the Nexus since Oblivion days, and when I came back for Skyrim this past month, it was the first place I thought to find mods.

Thank you for your diligent efforts in supporting the modding community.

Oh, and when the site, NMM, or whatever, is down, I don't freak out, I just fire up another game and realize things will work even better as time moves forward.

Take your time making this place a rock-solid fortress, nay, bastion of modding, that will stand strong for many years.

Thank you for your dedication.

May you realize your visions this new year.

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Thank you for your continued work!


As an IT professional, I find the situations you are describing all too familiar (painfully so, in fact), and I salute you for being willing to bang your heads against this particular wall for so long.


And. .


My God, that's a lot of money you've spent! Niiiice servers. . .

Edited by Cliven
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The entire centralization over the course of the year sounds like a sinking boat with many holes in the hull, and trying to fix all the holes takes time that you may or may not have. The passengers you have on board also do not help the situation at all.


When you have relatively serious technical issues that need to be dealt with ASAP, and you have passengers that condemn you for not trying hard enough to fix a sinking ship before it goes down completely, I can understand it gets frustrating very, very quickly.


These passengers need to understand that when you are on a sinking ship, and the ship's crew are doing their very best to seal all the holes in the hull, YOU have to BACK OFF and let them do their JOB. They CANNOT WASTE time or energy dealing with YOU when the ship is sinking.


With that being said, you're doing the best you can Dark, and I admire your efforts despite the setbacks and the frustration and the blood and sweat and tears you've shed. It takes a strong will to find the way out, and before we know it you'll have the Nexus back up and better than ever.

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Even with the occasional hiccups that have been happening, I find myself not getting annoyed at all. Any hiccup that I've encountered has either lasted for <5 minutes, or has a very easy workaround. I've also noticed that you guys / gals keep the community well informed about any issues that have been or may be happening. With the simple fact that you interact with the community and seem very dedicated to solving any issues that may occur makes it even easier to overlook any hiccup that happens.


So thank you guys / gals! I hope you have a wonderful New Year and I wish you the best of luck in jumping through any hoops that may arise!

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