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End of year network review


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In any case, thanks for the hard work. As an IT guy, I know how it can suck.


And thank you, thank you in advance for: "I want to overhaul many aspects of the Image Share section...and removing those horrible image pages some users make that scroll on and on into infinity as the author has added their entire back catalogue in to the image description."

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While it is easy to focus on the issues, you provide a heck of a service day in and day out all year. As a project manager for enterprise I.T.initiatives I have seen many of the ways a project this size can go sideways.


The site as it is certainly allows us to find and install mods.


So, thank you for a great site that adds greatly to my pleasure.


Don't beat yourselves up too much and have a great 2014 with hopefully less challenges.

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Very interesting article.

I had no idea about what you went through.


I personally can live with the current problems and I am very thankful for what you provide !


I am more worried about that design overhaul for NMM :D


Best wishes for 2014 :)

Edited by Mahlzeit88
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While I do get annoyed when browsing the site and suddenly it is in maintenance mode, I do understand that with all the game sales going on and the growing popularity of the sites, things like this happen. You guys are all doing a wonderful job handling it and I am happy to say that I believe my contribution with premium member has not gone to waste or to someone else's pocket. I have definitely gotten worth out of my membership and will continue to do so. Thank you for all your hard work, here's to 2014. With hopefully fewer hiccups! :D
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Hey guys,


Thank you for all the work that you do. Don't listen to the whiners and complainers; they frequently have no idea what they're asking of you. I honestly don't think the stability issues have been all that bad. The sites are up and working around 80% of the time I try to use them (and I check Skyrim Nexus daily, a few other Nexus sites less frequently). Granted, sometimes they're annoyingly slow, but it's not unbearable. Then again, I'm old and relatively patient, so maybe I just don't mind waiting a few minutes.


Since you mentioned the 0.50 alpha for NMM and that you weren't sure how successful it's been for users, I will chime in and say that it has not been successful for me. I was able to install 0.50 and convert my mods over to the new format, but the 0.50 version of NMM crashed a lot (typically when trying to install a mod with it). I reported this issue and was told it would be fixed in the next version, but that hasn't happened yet (the only patch for the 0.50 alpha that came out after I reported this bug didn't fix the issue). Obviously, you've had other, more immediate things on your minds, so I finally reverted to 0.46 two days ago just so I could play Skyrim again on my old (heavily modded) saves. Once 0.50 becomes more reliable, I will be happy to come back and test it again.


All in all, I'd say you guys are doing an amazing job given that you built this yourselves from the ground up with little to no help. I look forward to seeing what you guys do with the Nexus next year!

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Damn i was writing a comment and the site went to into maintenance mode and i forgot what i wrote :), oh well keep up the great work guys. Quite frankly after the years of FREE fantastic service you have provided to many people we can all put up with this until it is resolved
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Man, it's definitely been a wild ride Dark0ne. I still remember when the site was using the old style setup(and betatesting the now standard setup), and now onto cluster servers and other complex things that make this novice IT person's head spin. Just know that eventually problems do get resolved, and that you need your own break from the insanity, otherwise you could end up burning yourself out.


But here's to 2014 being a better year, for everyone!

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Understanding your problems is one thing. Paying for your service and not being able to download anything is another. Paying money for the use of your site should guarantee some type of functionality. This isn't the Obamacare website now.
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