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Legacy of the Dragonborn Relic Hunter Challenge help?


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I technically play LE, though honestly despite the version difference I don't think it would matter much to my questions.


I've tried this multiple times and keep running into problems. By this point, I think I've long ironed out all the stability and compatibility issues. I ran into a problem last game though in that my build straight sucked. The quest order I chose also didn't work out too well.


First time, I played a heavy armor character. Decided to go light this time, since it would give me more carry weight and is better in the long run anyway. Also decided to go orc so I could pop berserker rage, which I did often wish I could do in my last playthrough (I was playing a breton).


Mainly, I need to re-work my quest order. Thinking it through over the past several days, I've realized that most quests don't really need to be done in any specific order. This gives me a lot of wiggle room, as long as I don't break the few orders that are necessary. The biggest problem I ran into in my last game was becoming thane of every hold, which you need to do before you start replacing Jarls. Turns out, some of the thane quests have a rather high level requirement. I was also struggling to get the money to buy all those expensive houses early on in the game. Clearly I need to find something else to do before I start tackling that. What could I do though? I need to stall until I'm at least level 22, and I can't do either the civil war quest or the main questline until I become thane of every hold (or at least the ones who are going to lose the civil war).


Another issue is I was struggling with storage space. Being a heavy armor character, I obviously couldn't carry a lot. I ended up breaking my quest order and opening the museum early just so I'd have a place to store everything I was gathering. Thinking that I need to start that quest early this time.


Also, my choice of follower wasn't good. I was running around with Valdimar, just because he's the first housecarl I got. That didn't work too well. He's super weak and was more frail than me. Mostly he was little more than a pack mule. Clearly I need a better follower, but I don't know who to pick. I need a tank, and someone who doesn't mind if I steal things in front of them. Worse yet, I would prefer a follower I can marry. Scanning over the follower list, the only ones I've found that meet these requirements are Uthgerd and Mjoll. I was leaning towards Mjoll just because I like her more, but the UESP claims she tends to talk over other npcs like Sofia does! Clearly, I can't use her since I'll be playing most of this content for the first time.


How do I come up with a quest order and what follower should I use? Honestly, I've never used followers much, because I mostly play mage and stealth characters. You can't be a stealth character with followers, and as a mage its hard to keep from killing your own followers. Besides, you can summon stuff that's immune to your spells anyway, and even if they do die you can just summon another, so what's the point? Really, I'm only thinking about followers here because I need the extra carry weight (especially for dwemer ruins).


This honestly sucks.

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Regarding becoming Thane of all the holds, you can still become Thane after Jarls have been changed during Season Unending. The only one that matters is The Rift. Focus on that one before doing Season Unending and you should be fine otherwise.


As far as followers, I cannot say. I have not used very many of them. The game I have going currently makes use of two followers from Project AHO and in tougher fights summoning some fighters earned through the Saints and Seducers mod that was recently included as part of SSE.


There will be a lot of differences between an LE LotD setup and an SSE LotD setup. I recall that the museum layout itself was rather different in LE than it is in SSE. Not to mention that not every mod was ported over as-is. Many authors took the opportunity to improve upon their mods.


Best quest order is up to personal opinion, honestly. In my opinion, just enjoy the game and let events of the game move you along.

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Well, that's what the guide on the LotD wiki recommends. It also mentions that several Jarls give quests with displayable rewards that can't be done if the Jarl in question is replaced. There's also the guard armors, which become permanently unavailable once their hold is conquered.


Also, the layout WAS once the same in both versions of the game; it only got changed in update v5, which was never backported to LE. Before that, the two versions were practically identical other than supporting different thane weapon mods. What mods were supported was drastically changed with v5.


As for the relic hunter guide on there, there's only one that's clearly meant for both versions (it marks items that are only available in one version or the other, which is apparently rather few).


Here is a link to the guide in question I've been consulting. The part about the Civil War and Season Unending is what worries me about all that Jarls.



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