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input.settings keeps resetting

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Hi, I am having issues (GOG version 4.0.3) with the input.settings file found in the documents folder.

I am doing as asked with mods and pasting in keyboard inputs but when I start the game, the keys don't do what they're supposed to do and when I exit I find the input.settings file I had altered (yes I saved the changes and no its not a protected folder) that the file has completely reset to default.


I have looked through the first dozen pages of this forums help but can't find anything on this matter but would have expected it to be a common issue.


I assume there are files that are somehow patching the input.settings file to default, maybe an update patch or something?


I even tried completely replacing one of the built in keybindings so it no longer tries to do what it normally does instead opting for a mod test input.

For example I tried replacing every instance of IK_T=(Action=DrinkPotion3) to IK_T=(Action=ToggleHud) as an experiment but alas as to be predicted it merely just drank the potion instead.


Any help with this would be greatly appreciated, not having control of keybinds is rather irritating.




PS: Once I have the fix for this, is there a certain order of the way keybinds work?

For example I would be happy to change the bestiary button B to something a mod requires a keybind for, would placing IK_B= at the top of the input.settings file have priority or at the bottom and would this override or just act as a clash and activate both the bestiary and the mods function?


Edit: I am aware of the "set it to read only" however I would rather be able to uproot the issue if possible so I don't have to rely on blocking it from being written to.

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