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The thing that makes Morrowind so easy for warrior and enchant types is the enchant system. yes MAges are overpowered at early levels but with out heavy enchantments they die very easily .... in a vanilla morrowind .... because your magic doesnt get better after lvl 5 really....
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Interesting opinion. I agree that warriors are very powerful but mages are too. Explain to me what you mean when you say magic doesnt get better after lv 5.
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Can we at least level up more slowly? I suppose there will e mods for that too though so hey,  I'll shut up.


yeah theres a mod that can make it take 4 times longer to level up, i think this site has it.


i remember back in the day when i used to play diablo 1, i kept on thinking to myself "should i go down and risk it or go back to town and restock", when it comes to morrowind, you didnt really have to face such a question, you could easily travel to a nearby town without anything to "scare" you, even at level 1, you could kill a cliff racer at lvl1 without having to worry at all.

Lets also keep in mind just how unbalanced morrowind is, a rat is harder to kill than say a cliff racer...should be the otherway around, i dont care if the rat is diseased, you should be able to stomp on'em.


but back onto what i meant with diablo 1, i normaly took 1 route through a dungeon level, so on my way back (without any form of teleportation mind you) i could accidentally come across a few skeletons, or something thats a potential threat to my characters life, i remember when i "accidentally" came across The Butcher, it literally made me go "oh crap oh crap run run run!!!!"...not anymore but you get the idea.


but with magic in morrowind....far too boring...alchemy was just too slow, travel for 20 minutes to find a ingredient, or be cheap and buy it...find out that the potion didnt work, it was just tiresome.

in fact, all i ever really used was destruction...it was the only useful form of magic for my character.

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Ah, Alchemy. Easiest skill to level up, if you're 'cheap'. Get yourself a bit of money, buy a couple hundred basic ingredients, and just keep making potions non-stop. Buy some more, sell some potions, and keep going. It takes a couple hours to get Alchemy to 100 and make many thousands of gold.


I think that one thing that would make Morrowind more balanced is shops that sell more expensive weapons and armour. After a while, when you have your full set of armour all you really money for is buying training. If players had reason to spend their money on very expensive weapons and rare armour, then they wouldn't buy so much training and become level 100 in a few days.

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as far as saving i think you should have say a "house" of your own which you can save in YOUR bed and begin the day there and another i dont like how if say you escorting someone then animal runs up they specifically go after them and not you plus i like the idea of having some "tactics" the animals have like in real lifemaybe oblivian will answer all out prayers :D


i think we should have leveling up be a bit harder say the more leveled up you get the less experience points you get from that animals while you have to reach more experience to level up and have a few more skills like being able to start a fire because you wish to cook the meat you found and eat it for health or sell is for a higher price after making some meal haha something to just play around with maybe :/ hmm


NOTE: Merged your two posts. Please make use of the edit button in future to add new content to your posts, it helps keep the threads from getting cluttered. ;)


- Switch

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hehe,a three guys camping hear about a rampaging bear in the area from a (fleeing) hiker. Two make plans and the third puts on running shoes

one of the others says, "What, you think you are gonna outrun the bear?"

to which he replies, "No, all I have to do is outrun you two."


I hope I get the chance to play this out in Oblivion :laugh2:

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Make a save system similar to that found in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.:

Q: How will saving work and will there be different difficulty levels?

A: We plan several difficulty levels. The difference between difficulties will not be just about complexity of accomplishment and monster aggressiveness. On the easiest level, some endings will be unavailable, the player can save any time and any place, NPCs won't try to solve the ultimate task instead of the player. On the most difficult level, we plan to leave only auto saving. It will work when exiting the game, when at the dealer's, when moving from one level to another and in certain periods of time. There also be a "custom game" mode when you can customize the game the game you feel fit.

That way everyone would be satisfied.


And while I agree the game engine needs some serious updates, I don't want it to be ultra-realistic. If you can cause something/one to burst into flames using magic, you can take out a grizzly bear. And I don't want to be tackled and get an under-belly cam - I'm playing a game. I don't think it should be realistic for that reason. While I agree that the enemy A.I. would benefit greatly from intelligence, etc...


I don't want Oblivion to be MEMod realistic - that's the sort of thing that only a project such as the MEMod can succesfully and enjoyably entail.

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When this happend to me, All I did was try and better myself, as in train myself in a new form of amour or try and learn spells, this is the point where you actually "role" play, you have to get right into it.
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