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Bathing animation for bathing mod/Bathing mod expanded


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Considering the bathing mod is 2 years old, forgive if this has already been requested.



Ignore this request.... i didn't know about the other bath mod that has everything i wanted plus more


Being the immersion freak that I am. I thought it would be awesome if there was a bathing animation for the bathing mod. Couldn't find one... thought I'd request it.


I'm thinking of doing it myself once I learn how to actually mod and get some experience, but for the time being I don't know how to do it and maybe someone else would like to take it up. I'm more than willing to do it myself once I learn how to mod but it's going to be a little while before i can start.


The animation part:

Basically, the way it would work is kind of like SYS except there is no wait time. Also make it so that you can't wear any clothes before you want to bathe and then go into the animation. We wouldn't want to take a bath with are clothes on now do we.... or at least make this optional for those who don't care. It would be nice if the animation would loop and you just press E to get out of it like in immersive waiting. There would be an animation for the normal bath tubs, and maybe some of the other tubs might need a special animation. The only one that might cause issues are the fountains. I would imagine the animation for tubs would be laying down while the fountains would be a sitting down animation or standing/leaning over animation (i personally would prefer sitting). In terms of the actual cleaning animation... I'm not asking for this whole extravagant bath scene. Just make it so that there's a loop of the player rubbing a bar of soap in various areas of the body but make it look reasonable. Also there would need to be a different animation for bathing in natural water. Due to the way the bathing mod works I would imagine the animation would have the player rubbing soap on the body with one hand while swimming or (this one might be weird) but the player could be floating on his or her back and rubbing the soap that way. If you can include the soap bar in the animation that would be better, thankfully there is a model for it so you wouldn't need to worry about that.


The expanded part:

It would also be nice if there was an option to need a bar of soap for both tubs and natural water instead of just natural water (make this optional). And maybe give soaps 2 or 3 uses instead of just 1... maybe raise the price to allocate for balance (again make this optional).


The only problem that I see (and maybe this is due to my lack of knowledge of oblivion mods) is making it work for every body type/size.



Looking at the pictures of the tub... it would look like there would need to be 4 different animations. One for the normal rectangle tubs, one for the circular tubs, one for the fountains, and one for natural water.

Edited by Superw0rri0
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