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the TES grid


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Is there a way to make the whole exterior grid larger with more cells? I'm trying to expand the simple 5x5 grid of wilderness on the TES startup to accomodate a much larger world. I've been searching for a few days for hep, but I can't find any. I've also been fiddling with TES, but to no avail. Can anyone help?
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lol just move the camera around to the edges of the border and it will make more landmass


(not pivot and rotate actualy move)


the game system is set up to defult a wildernes cell whenever there is no info on this cell.


so yeah all the cells are there there just cut out untill you scrole over them then there more "wilderness" wich looks pritty un damn wild to me :)

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That reminds me... I had a question some time ago. Is it possible to delete those new cells? I used to make a lot of them, but didn't use them. The world got bigger, and the map got less detailed (as if looking at it from bigger height than usual).
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yep in the list of cells go to a cell you will keep (in the midle of an island or inside) then select the cells you dont want, and deleate them (they will just get a little *D or somthing beside them till you save and reload it in the editor) there ya go... this gets a litle irritating if all the cells you wana deleate are wilderness but the simple answer is to make a new region for your new land and cover it all in the little grid regin painter thing then it will be called somthing else and you can just go through and systematicly kill all the wilderness :)


hope this helps...


also press "b" while in the 3d viewer to see the cell borders... you prolly already know this but if not it helps alot :)

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