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Downgraded to 1.5.97 with appropriate version of skse. Booted skse loader thru vortex ok first time (could tell because imp logo does not show up nor do bethesda news or certain menu options) but exited out before starting to adjust settings with the regular launcher. Started with launcher ie without skse then quit and booted skse loader thru vortex but now all that does (and all booting the loader itself in the installation folder does too) is boot up regular sse WITHOUT skse as if I started skyrim thru the launcher! I know this not only becuase the logo always shows up and so does the news and certain menu options but also confirmed it by trying to start a new game! HOW DO I GET IT TO BOOT UP SKSE LIKE I WANT IT TO?!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT GIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:



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If you start SKSE without Steam running, it will start Steam and then the game's regular launcher. Make sure that Steam is running prior to starting SKSE.

Steam was running. But never mind, setting to run as administrator solved the problem, although oddly the main menu still displays all of the aforementioned now even with skse working where it did not before. Weird.

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