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Faster AI Package Evalutation

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Having created a creature weighted to the slaughterfish skeleton I found it did not swim very far so I duplicated the aaaCreatureExteriorSwims1500 and aaaCreatureInteriorSwims512 packages to increase that.

The next problem is it idling for far to long - Duration has a minimum of 1 minute. It's supposed to be a living thing that should stay on the move to avoid attack and forage for food. My thought is to put a number of packages on it then loop through them for EvaluatePackage. While OBS has a number of functions managing package data, nothing seems to have a SetActorPackage, let alone an ActivatePackage (more relaible than EvaluatePackage).

Where there is AddScriptPackage and RemoveScriptPackage a process that gets these from an array, per creature, in a quest script should work but it's not very dynamic and certainly not challenging. What I want to do is write a generic script for certain creatures that loops their packages forcing them to run them at timed/random intervals.

Any ideas greatly appreciated.

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Not sure about creatures but with NPCs the Energy setting on the AI packages dialogue affects how often they evaluate for a new package (with 100 being the shortest time and not sure if zero would be shortest or don't evaluate).

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Thanks Striker879, changing to 100 seems to have it on the move. They have low aggression so there can be enough to make the caves feel 'alive' without overwhelming the player.

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