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Extend NexusMods.com bug reporter to individual mods, maybe games


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There are plenty of mods that have bugs. There is no easy way to find reports of bugs on those mods beyond reading the comments (which can quickly push a bug back a few pages). And NexusMods.com already has a bug tracker, built into the user database and everything.


The bug tracker could be extended to individual mod pages. There could be a new "Bugs" tab, next to the "Files" "Images" and "Comments" tabs. The number it shows (like the numbers the other tabs show) could show the number of open bugs.


This would give users an easy and convenient way to see if there are any open bugs, as well as report on bugs. It would give mod creators an easy and convenient way to see new bug reports (and receive notifications) as well as report on bug fix progress.


Finally, very few games seem to have an actual bug tracker available to the public. Having a separate bug tracker for each game wouldn't be much more difficult than one for each mod. It could go right up next to the "Files" button at the top of each page. It would certainly drive more traffic to the site, and there are some mods that try to fix game bugs.

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