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NPC's not wearing Body equipment


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So, I don't think this problem is unique to me. I have no idea where it started, but I'm having an issue where some, note SOME, NPC's are not wearing clothes in the Body slot, leading to a fair few of them walking around in just their skivvies. Namely, Maven Black-Briar, her daughter Ingum, Nazeem, and Aerlin, as well as others I can't think of at the moment.

Any ideas what I can do, how to sort my load order in LOOT? I don't know what to do.

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I dug around on the Fine Clothing object using More Informative Console, and it returned that the Draenei Armors mod that I had installed was modifying that. After disabling the mod, as well as the Draenei race mod to be sure, the issue is now resolved.


Thank you very much for your time, stranger. I do hope I didn't waste any of it with this, heh.

Edited by KevinSmith7
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