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There's nothing bad about beast races!


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People say beast races suck beacuse they can't wear boots or closed helms. Ask yourself this:


How often has your character been hit in the foot or face?

(It's only happned to my character twice!)

You can always train up in unarmoured to protect these areas. If you want a beast version of boots then get the Firstguard armour plugin.

Look carefully at Khaajits and Argonians skill increases and attributes and you'll find no drawbacks.

Khaajits get lots of stealth skill bonouses and eye of fear.

Argonians have resiist common disease 75% and imunity to poison and lots of skill increases, i.e +15 athlectics and lots more.

Argonians was one of the main reasons I started playing Morrowind! :D

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another thing aout playing a beast race is the irony factor, here a member of one of the slave races is the reincarnation of the neverine. hmmmm maybe someone could do a quest for those who have finished the main quest as a beast and it could deal with the social after effects would be. I would give it a go but I have too much on my plate right now with some of the projects that I am doing.
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I love the beast races. Argonians are fun, but Khajiits are one of my favorite races. I dont see why people hate the beasts either, I have a stealth Khajiit and he is invincible. I guess some people arent as open-minded as us =D .
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My newest character is an Argonian female assassin. She favors short blades and the bow. She dislikes the Dunmer and the coolness of the Vvardenfell nights. Her birthsign is The Steed.

Runs-At-Night lives now in the cities of the warmbloods. She has learned to wear the foolish body coverings of the Dunmer over the beautiful patterns of her own skin. Cold fate has brought her from the marsh-groves of the Wise-Hist to this foreign land. Sometimes it makes her very angry.

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