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There's nothing bad about beast races!


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I dont mind beast races, but I always go for Dark Elves because they are able to become just about anything that you want. I personalized my character to be a warrior mage with somewhat high theif skills. They are sort or neutral I guess. Kajiits are more for theives, High Elves are more for magic, wood elves for theifery (I believe), Orcs, redguards, imperials, and Nords for warrior, argonians (not sure what they specialize in), and bretons are more for magic (correct me if I'm wrong on any). I think I might be missing a race, so tell me if I am. But Dark Elves can go any or all of those ways, which I like.
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Here is my Argonian assassin Runs-At-Night lurking in the shadows as usual. She is now at level 24 and becoming a master with short blades and the bow. Most of her victims never even see who killed them.

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