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[SSE] Mod Ideas: Burning Furniture and Quit Your Factions


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I was just thinking - I have a mod that burns bodies (and makes them disappear)...it's: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10614
So I'm wondering if the same could be done for wooden furniture? Fire spells could be used to burn furniture - which would either delete it completely after a few seconds of burning, or could turn the furniture into an ash pile if that's even possible...that way if you burn a container like a barrel / chest, you can still loot the items from the ash pile.

For quitting factions - I was thinking...what if you start a playthrough as a member of the Dark Brotherhood but then decide you want to join the Thieves' Guild instead? I mean, there's nothing wrong with doing both...but from a roleplay perspective, it makes sense to 'quit' one guild to join another. It could be done by adding dialogue options to "quit" at a certain point in each factions questline: "This guild isn't for me." (or something similar). That dialogue option could "Fail" the questline at that point. Kind of like what happens if you 'break the rules' of the guilds.

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