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How do I mod the amount I can invest into a Merchant? (Moved)


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Not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but how do I change the amount the "Investor" perk invests into a Merchant, because What I've don'e doesn't seem to do anything.

Digging around records with SSEEdit, I've gathered there are (at least 3) things I need to edit. 1) The Perk Description (not vital, but more for consistency), the quest "PerkInvestor" gold cost amount, and finally the global variable "InvestAmount".

My Desired amount is 3000 gold, so I did the following:

1) Changed the perk description to: "Can invest 3000 gold with a shopkeeper to increase his or her available gold by 3000 permanently."

2) Changed the quest "QuestInvestor" property "Gold Amount", from 500 to 3000.

3) Changed the global variable "InvestAmount" FLTV value, from 500 to 3000.

I don't see any other values that is "500" anywhere else, so I assume that's all I need to change.

exited and saved the .ESPs.

When I load the game. The only thing that has changed is the Perk Description. When I try to invest into an NPC, the dialogue still says the investment amount is (500), which means the global variable didn't change, because the dialogue is dynamic with its displayed gold value based on the "InvestAmount" global variable. When I invest, it still costs me 500. And the total increase in the merchant gold is still 500.

Basically, all the the changes I've made did nothing, with exception to the perk description. I doubled checked that I have no other mods with the same records that are overriding the ones I've changed. Am I missing something? Can the Invest amount not be changed? Or can the Global variables not be changed once the game has started? Or is it something else I'm overlooking?

When I load the ESPs to make sure the values are saved, they are all saved. I thought maybe I need to make a save first, because maybe the variables don't update immediately on load. Nothing.

Thanks for the help.

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The value in the .esp is the base value of your global. Only relevant when new game starts. Else values of globals are stored in the save.
Try starting a new game and use 'help InvestAmount' console command to check global value.
Can also use 'set InvestAmount to 3000' command in a running game.


To elaborate, if one wants to make a mod that affects a global value and have it work on a game in progress, one has to change it via a script.

GlobalValue Property InvestAmount Auto

The question is how to get this script to run.


There is a number of ways, but probably the nicest would be to add a new Top-Level Player Dialogue branch to the InvestorPerk quest.

Starting topic: 'I would like to change the invest amount to 3000' with a single generic shared response (I.e. 'Of Course')



Speaker is in 'JobMerchantFaction'

GlobalValue 'InvestAmount' != 3000


Add a script fragment to set the InvestAmount to 3000, and add the property to the script.


Then in game, when player has the Investor Perk, and talks to any merchant, and investAmount is not 3000, there will be dialogue option to set it to 3000.


A more advanced method would be to have starter topic just be the 'I want to change investing amount', with a single 'Of Course' response, that leads to a bunch of topics for, say, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000.

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