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[SSE] Bring back "Monster Wars" but using Mihail monsters.


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The mod work. Mostly.

But is plagued by Monster Mod bugs.

Is well made, and the border guards against monster do a reasonable work stopping them, not always, the poor things need a buff.


Using cathedral and import to SE I manage to play to lvl,12 but some areas as consistent ctd, again the fault is momod, I erase some dremora and a FISH, and play a bit more. Finally I got upset.


After fight some bandit and a GUAR with old textures I though "Mihail Guar can replace that thing" then I try to do myself and fail miserably.


I decide to come here because there is 1% probability of receive help.


Not gonna lie,the task is big. Its a mod that cover lairs, terrain edits, town edits, armors and several weapons that can be made with monster parts.


Sorry for my english.


Less words: Import Monster Wars to SE, replace old textures and/or buggy monsters with Mihail work.

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