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Head and Bodies Have Different Colors


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I've been using this guide:


to mod Oblivion to make it a better looking game. I have installed all the mods listed except for the Sound mods.

I've installed all the mods in the order listed.

Is there any way I can prevent this problem that affects all of the NPC's and my character?

The bodies have a vastly different color from the head, and I tried the little chain mod that's supposed to hide the seam, but it's still very noticible that the head and bodies have different colors, so I uninstalled it.

This is my Load order:


I'll be happy to provide any other necessary information


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This is a known problem with Oblivion. You can minimize the problem by carefully and gradually adjusting the sliders in CharGen but be aware that the lighting is different there than what you'll find in the game world (so what looks good in CharGen isn't so good once you're in the game). Unless you are willing to use the Construction Set to adjust values for NPCs you can either live with it or try one of the various mods that have attempted to fix the problem over the years (the latest being Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2). As you will note from the comments by even that mod's author, in it's current state there is no way to completely eliminate the problem.

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