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Where can i learn how to mod fallout 4?


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I am a 3d artist, i have worked on some 3D models and animations in the past. i also know somewhat about codding, mostly little programs on C++ an java. I am intrested in learning how to make mods for fallout 4 since i like this game and i think that can be an intresting hobbie. I figured some people on this forum can help me guide myself through modding. Where can i find some info on how to do it?


Thanks to whoever repplies.

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You can probably still find some useful information here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5978333-fo4-modding-tutorial-list/ but my guess is there's a number of dead links, given the age of the thread. Other than that, google is probably going to yield the most results. Since you're jumping off point is as a 3d artist, I assume you're interested in creating game assets. Learning to use Nifskope would be my first recommendation. That and familiarizing yourself with how material files work. Reverse engineering vanilla .nif files is a great way to learn how create your own custom assets. Once you're able to create a working, textured .nif, getting it into the game is pretty easy.


Bottom line, there's no one-stop-shop for learning this stuff. Most of what I've learned came through hours and hours of searching for answers using google. You can also find some good tutorials on Nexus, mixed in with all the mods. There's also some decent info to be found using Discord, but I haven't gone that route in quite a while, so I couldn't really recommend anything in particular. Seddon4494 has a lot of good entry level tutorials on his YouTube channel, as does Kinggath through his Bethesda Mod School series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2g2oK5KhZT0WUOw0Y_8HFudZbgfmcdEl


Hope this helps.

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Modding FO4 covers a broad range of categories. Learning to use tools like the Creation Kit, FO4edit, Outfit Studio, 3ds max, etc can take you a long way towards the goal. kinggath has a youtube video series called Bethesda Mod School that I'd recommend watching. It will cover many of the basics regarding the Creation Kit.

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What sort of mods are you thinking about making?


In addition to the previously mentioned tutorials (I've used both Seddon's and Gath's tutorials and they have been an invaluable resource for me), Degenerate Dak has some good tutorials on weapons mods:



I've also found that whenever I can't figure out something out, if I ask about it in the "Fallout 4 Creation Kit and Modders" section on the forum there's always a few people here willing to explain/walk me through it. Best of luck.

Edited by nzukowski
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