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Something I noticed whilst on my sneaking raids is that they could be vastly improved by the addition of a hand held flashlight.

Now normally, I would make something like this myself but I have no idea how to model things in Blender and Python is screwing my computer up the processor.


I'd be happy to make the texture, but right now, I'd like a flashlight that doesn't light up the area around you and doesn't blow your cover when you use it.


Something like the flashlight from Doom 3 would be acceptable.


But I just don't want to keep on blowing my cover when sneaking into a heavily fortified Enclave outpost.


It would help stealth based characters out a lot, anyone who could help, thank you.


Also, for a base model, lead pipe would probably be the best. You could... make it taped to your arm so you don't have to make a new animation?


But for right now, I need a model and a script for flashlights.

Any help would be appreciated.



I am aware of how hard this will be.

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One of the least stealthy things ever made are flashlights, how did they find a place for them in a 'futuristic' game like doom is beyond me.

For stealthyness, nightvision.




On a sidenote, the main difficulty with having a flashlight, is having a directional light. The game engine only knows omnidirectional wall-ignoring lights.

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Not true, there are mods that give you single directional lights, such as this: http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=456


But thats not a flashlight in itself, what you are asking for is a weapon (sorry it will have to be a weapon if you want to work right), now I cannot model, nor do I know how to do light scripts or mods, so I'm out, but it is entirely possible!

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TGBlank is correct, its a line of small radius omni lights and a transparent "light haze" mesh.


the game engine just cant handle directional lights as far as i can tell. ofcourse, there is always the possibility of using enough directional lights to emulate it, but they'd be tiny and in the hundreds to look anywhere near realistic which'd be a sever drag on resources

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