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Troubles with outfit studio


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Hi there!



I've downloaded an armor mod called "Manticore armour" (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81151) from the oldrim nexus. Armor works fine in-game, but when I load the armor via outfit studio to try to convert it to Himbo, the arms are out of place, floating above the body reference. How can I adjust this? See linked screenshot. Keep in mind that the armor looked like this when I first loaded it, I didn't do anything yet.



Edited by Thelra
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That is an interesting one. Rather than trying to form the mesh to fit the skeleton, the author altered positioning of skeleton nodes within the armor. Each vertex is weighted to specific bones, meaning it will retain its relative position to the bones it is weighted as they move... I added this mod to my LE install. It works, but I would say there is something off in the angle and movement of the arms. Compared to vanilla shrouded:





The difference is subtle, but there nonetheless. It looks like forearm bones are curved.





What I would do is import this armor into Blender along with a HIMBO body mesh, and shape it to fit the body. Then reimport it back to Outfit Studio and re-weight it on a HIMBO reference.

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Case in point:

Manticore armor as imported over HIMBO reference into Blender:





After a little bit of this and that:




(I have various body parts colored brightly to easier see if something unwanted pokes out)


Reimported to .nif, weighted, conformed, yada yada.


As they say, no need to thank me, just enjoy it.




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