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Activating Mod Problems...


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Hey, I have the nexus mod manager, and I just added a new mod. The problem I have is that when the mod finished downloading it appeared in the mod folder. I activated the mod, but it will not appear in the plug ins folder and it won't appear when I play the game. Anyone know what to do?

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Is the mod an older mod, especially one that recommends in the mod description to use Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) to select options during install? Nexus Mod Manager will work fine downloading and installing many Oblivion mods that have simple file and folder structure or don't include options that need selecting during install, but isn't a "will work for all" solution for installing Oblivion mods.


More details on which mod you are trying to install would help (name and a link to the mod).

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Downloaded and extracted it just to see what's up. Though it makes absolutely no mention of it in the mod description (which is only focused on marketing the mod) the mod install is an EXE executable, something I'm sure NMM can't deal with (as neither OBMM nor Wrye Bash). When I read through the first couple of pages of mod comments looking for possible installation problems reported (of which I saw none) I did get the impression the mod may be more marketing than substance.


The download extracts without issue using 7-Zip. You're on your own beyond that though, as I didn't see anything in my research that would tempt me to run an executable to install a mod that showed so little promise.


- Edit - Forgot to mention ... even the PDF readme you get when you extract the download gives absolutely no install instructions (contains nothing more than more marketing drivel).


- Edit2 - I've obviously been unfairly hash on the mod. While I defer to Harvald's first hand knowledge concerning it's quality I stand on my assertion that some sort of mention on install method could have been included in the description or readme PDF.

Edited by Striker879
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Castle Ravenpride is a very old German mod; about 7 years old. (Trailer).


And one of the best.

You have only to download, extract and start the .exe by doubleclick. Ravenpride will install in the right directory. Uninstalling works the same way. This mod definitivly does not work with obmm, Wyre Bash or Tesnexus mod manager.


Great adventure.


download manually, start the exe, activate the esp, start your game, go to Bruma Tavern "Olafs...." and HAVE FUN.




Edited by Harvald
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