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Lost with excitement !


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Hi All,



Ok, i recently bought Skyrim and i am hooked !! I then discovered MODS !! totally new to me :p but i am getting to grips with them,

I have ENB etc, some armours and other great stuff that all works ace.

I then wanted to have a better female so i installed Dimonized UNP body, then i think i did UNPB then BBP then TBBP along with XP32 skeleton ???????????


(I know this cos i have saved .rar's with those names)


I am now lost as to what i did, what i intended to achieve is to have a fuller figured woman with bouncing boobs and importantly a wobbly bum :p

I have the bouncing boobs and sort of a wobbling butt (hardly noticeable), but i have seen better bum wobbles,

I have read there is a procedure for the install so i am wondering if i did something wrong with the excitement of all these available adjustments.

Please can anyone offer any help or guidance as to how i should of done it so i can reinstall and get a better bum wobble.

Thanks peeps.


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Take your time doing MODS. One thing Bethesda didn't inform us about is the left over junk files that have to be cleaned out of the Master Files. Yeah, nice of them, eh? You can play the game fine without MODs but when you start getting them and playing, there will be problems. I just cleaned my Masters yesterday and a lot of Dirty Edits left by Bethesda in the Update, Dawnguard, Hearthfires and Dragonborn.



Gopher is one fo the best people here on Skyrim who has done great YouTube Vids on many issues. I have suggestions if you need them so you wont break the game playing. I had to start a whole list of urls just dedicated to researching how to better use Skyrim. You will need the following:




TES5Edit (Skyrim MOD Tool Cleaning your Master Files on YouTube by Gopher)

HiAlgoBoost (fixes stuttering ingame) It is a manual install into your Sjyrim Folder.

SKSE (newest update) MODs depend on it, because that is how they create the MODs with it in mind. It replaces an old outdated MOD that once was useful and no longer available, learned this yesterday.


There is more, don't jump into the MODs just yet, because cleaning the Master Files is something I just did, because I was having issues ingame with crashes.


Turn off ALL of the autosave options in your game settings, save while walking, save while waiting, etc, because it is the biggest game crasher Bethesda did with the game. Also save your games indoors more than outdoors. I sometimes save outdoors but rare now


Don't fast travel all the time, use the carriages and walk more. The game tends to crash when you do too many Mach 5 Speed choices, you cant run all of the time.


Do a lot of reading in the descriptions. Follow them, because some MODs conflict with others if you use all of them. Take your time. Ive been using computers since 1984 before the internet went public. Others on here will help a lot and they are willing, some of them. If I don't get a reply, I usually figure things out myself. All that computer work from 1984 to present has paid off a lot with this game, it is very immersive.


You have to make a choice like I did for Body style, there is CBBE, UNP, UNPB, Blessed Body, etc etc. I chose UNPB, but there are more to it to like the UNPB Redux Project.


Ive had to learn a lot of Skyrim MODs by trial and error. Ive being playing it a year on PC and have the xBox version with all of the DLC's also. I prefer the PC version and the Skyrim Legendary has all of the DLC's. The MODs are fun for sure!


If I can help, let me know, if I dot have the answer, I will find it or someone will help too.


Your system information is important as to how well the game plays. I have a gaming entertainment laptop with 8Ram and does very well with almost 100 MODs currently. Don't bother with an xBox Controller, in my opinion, too much stuttering at times. I bought one, used it for a while and quit using it.


You will learn about console commands to what MOD is immersive with even the weather in Skyrim. I have 10 followers, Vilja and Uthgerd together. All in custom MOD armors, weapons, even hair for a couple! lol


Have fun! One step at a time! :dance:

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I will post a list of the MODs I am using and see you are interested in a better body look, UNPB in many opinions has much more details, very realistic. I know some will give you other info, you have to make some choices because the MODs conflict with different Body styles and even down to the clothes they wear.

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Thanks pal...i did BOSS and TES5EDIT and only had the update and one cloths item pulling up a few dirties so all that is sorted, game runs sweet even on my old XFX Radeon HD 6870. Getting the new Gigabyte R9 290 Windforce as soon as its on our UK shores ETA (17th Jan) :wink:

It is really just getting that butt to bounce a little better that i need peeps :wink:

I do apprecaie there are many variables to consider so i will check out your list MODinsane when you get time to post.

Good reading, thanks


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Just out of interest does anyone know the load order of these mods....one mod contradicts another in some cases so i am confused !!!

I have now seen this HDT file and really want to test it but i need a base to work from.


Can you advice what is needed for breast and buttock bounce and its order ? .



UNP http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6709/?

UNP BBP TBBP http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/21199/?

UNPK TBBP http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32540/?

TBBP http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34713/?


And there are more !!???


Can you see why its confusing for a noob !!! :(


Surely its not as complicated as this ?


Please Help Meeeeeeeee :o

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