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GECK NV refuses to save my map edits


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I have been working on my own little vault for Favvout NV int he GECK


and not too long ago, it started to not save my work and changes, maybe it is because I set my Geckcustom.ini's bUsemultibounds to = 0


When I exit GECK it tells me "would you like to save changes to plugin file?"


I click yes, and it does some loading for a second, then it does not close, Geck won't save it, I can exit Geck without saving the plugin, but when I try tio save then exit, it won't, it just does some loading and stays open.


because it started to not save not too long after I made this change, but I hope that is not the issue, can someone please tell me what is going on and how I can fix it?

Edited by DrTredBear
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