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Crossbow UI Marker


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I've always loved the Crossbows in Dark Souls, it's just a pain in the ass to aim them.. They are despite being unable to actually aim very accurate, i've discovered if you two hand a bow and use the binoculars you can pinpoint where the bolt will hit and aim it that way. I've headshoted many enemies with the heavy crossbow :p

Basically, look at the middle of your screen.
Nudge it up about a third of your screen length from the middle to the top, then slightly right.

The bolt hits down and slightly left of the center of your binocular screen, and somewhere around your right shoulder in third person.


What I ask is for some UI texture that tell's you if your looking forward where the bolt is supposed to hit if you blindfire it two handed.

And if there's a way, maybe make it so it only appears when you two hand it. Etc

Like a little black dot on your screen that won't get in the way of much,
I have no issue with that being there all the time if I can aim crossbows.

Edited by SirMcSlushy
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