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Possiable Easter egg?


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Do you guys know of the Khajit named Ra'jhan in the elven gardens district.

if you enter his house, you will notice that you can take everything without penalty, use his bed ETC.


the fun part; if you talk to Ra'jhan he says; that he is very proud to finally his own house.


I just struck me that beth might set the ownership to the player on purpose..

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Well, its possible that they just forgot to set the interior to him. See, they do not set individual items EACH ONE as NPC owned unless they have to, they simply right click on the world space interior, and set the entire thing to be owned by someone. Its possible they just forgot to set it as owned. If there is no owner, than you can take and sleep, it does not truely mean that YOU are the owner, it just means that there is no owner.
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  • 1 month later...
Well, its possible that they just forgot to set the interior to him. See, they do not set individual items EACH ONE as NPC owned unless they have to, they simply right click on the world space interior, and set the entire thing to be owned by someone. Its possible they just forgot to set it as owned. If there is no owner, than you can take and sleep, it does not truely mean that YOU are the owner, it just means that there is no owner.

Ra'Jhan? Yeah once he was my companion! :D

Theres Info of Ra'Jhan - his factions are CourierCustomers - Newspaper

IC Faction - He lives In the Imperial City

His House Interior - Poor but Clean (I think he is very proud of himself)

Owner Faction - NONE Owned by (NPC) - NONE

The same settings is on his basement and private quarters!

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