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Siri, Melody and the slaves


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It would be nice to be able to free these slaves and see them move somewhere to make productive lives. As it is if all the Legionaries are killed Siri disappears (at least I haven't found her), while Melody and the other slaves become unresponsive. Also I'd like to give Melody back her teddy.


I'm not sure how hard a mod like that would be but it would great to have, the whole things is a loose end that needs tying.

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There's already a mod on the Nexus that lets you do just that called Free the Slaves http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/43290/?. In this mod you can send slaves to the Followers or Aerotech refugee camp and can also release the NCR prisoners found at the fort. It's not without it's problems though as Melody is later seen standing at the Cottonwood Cove docks as if she's trying to get back to her default location and Siri somehow ends up changing back to her old slave rags if she is convinced to join the Followers of the Apocalypse.

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